It is 8:30 and he isn't here . I started to pace back and fourth in the room , this is not giving any good vibes . I am feeling sick for no reason . Why isn't he coming ?

After ten minutes I heard foot steps coming towards the room . I stood still in hopes that Cayden is coming . The door opened revealing .... Josie ? She stood in the doorway with a wired smile . She looked me up and down before walking towards me .

" Come hurry .. Cayden forgot that he had to pick you up . I will take you . " What ? He forgot to pick me up ? How can he forget this out of all the things ?

I walked behind Josie who seemed to be thinking deeply , she looks really good . Her hair up high and her red cocktail dress suited her very well . We walked towards the car and she asked me to get in .

" Where are we going ? " I asked her . She looked out of the window not facing me , but I could sense her smiling . She turned , " You will see . " she answered . Why can't they tell me ? I signed facing outside .

In twenty minutes or so , we reached our destination . I looked outside the window which showed me a beautiful mansion . It looks like a hotel or maybe a kingdom even  . Whatever it is , its extremely eye catching . But I didn't feel very comfortable about this . Opening the door I pushed myself out . Standing out I noticed that Josie was already walking inside without acknowledging me . Wired . I followed hurriedly behind .

As soon as we reached the bar she stopped me and excused herself . She doesn't behave this odd . What's wrong with her ? I looked around not knowing what to do . The bartender looked my way and smiled before asking if I need something . I asked for a glass of water which he bought in less than a minute . I sipped the tasteless liquid while watching the crowed . The people around were nicely dressed , I looked around in search of Cayden or even Josie . But , they were nowhere around . Disappointed I asked the bartender for a simple cocktail juice .

Drinking my juice , I again searched for familiar faces . At the corner of the wide whole near a pillar I spotted Cayden's handsome face , he looked busy . But what caught my eye was his arms which was around a women I haven't seen ever . She looked happy as she was smiling brightly . In the crowed I couldn't see them properly but I saw the girl muttering something in Cayden's ear , to which he responded with a smile . My heart constricted at that action . I don't like the view at all . He forgot to pick me up but bought this women with him . I felt bile raising in my throat but I pushed it back .

I pushed away from the chair and started to walk towards my husband , but a hand stopped me . I turn to look at the person and found Josie standing there . She grabbed my arm almost painfully and pushed me with her . I didn't question and walked where she was taking me .

We stopped at a distant place from where I don't think anyone could see us . She loosened the hold on my arm , which was actually a relief .

" What happened ? " I asked her . She dropped her hand from my arm and folded her arms on her chest .

" Nothing .." she smiled weirdly , I tried to understand her but I couldn't .

" Umm .. Where's Cayden ? " I asked her again changing the subject . She looked my way with a 'not so good ' expression .

" Somewhere he's supposed to be . " she answered checking on to her nails . No he's supposed to be with me . Not with an other lady .

" I want to meet him . " I said trying to make her into letting me meet Cayden .

" He's busy , Briar . " she answered irritated . I didn't like it and I cant take this attitude of her anymore .

" Just stay here the whole ceremony . Let them announce and you will meet Cayden . Don't move from here , I cant come again and again to get you to place . " She declared before I could say anything . Without even letting me reply she rushed away from my side . I looked behind her watching everyone from here . There were seats and the sky was also seen . The sky looked like its going to burst anytime . The clouds were visible clearly , I watched them for a little while without thinking about anything .

Everything is very confusing , what's happening is something like a dream . Josie never talked like that . Cayden never did what he did today with me . I looked towards the crowed of people again , all looked very happy . Very happily some people dancing and some laughing . Everyone enjoying , I just stared at them . Not feeling sad or painful , but I felt numb .

There was no emotion flowing throw my veins , I couldn't even understand what's happening with me . Its just too confusing . 

After something like an hour I spotted both Cayden and that women together . They were smiling looking at each other . Why was they together ? Who is she and why did Josie order me to stay here ? If I wanted I could go towards them , but something in me stopped me to do so . My feet couldn't move and my eyes couldn't see something else . I just saw their every move . After a minute they started to dance . Even though he wasn't hers but the thought that they looked good together wasn't going out of my mind . They suited each other , maybe Cayden is regretting marring me now .

The music was soft , but it felt like blasting drums to my ears . I moved towards the seat to sit down and watch them . This is not what I should be doing , but its hard to think about what will I come to know if I reached there to discover the truth . 


 The story will turn into wired angles now . i hope u like it . 

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