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Before I start I want to apologize for the long wait time for the update. My family went through the loss of my grandmother recently and I have not been able to sit down and focus on the story. 

Thank you for your patience and everlasting support, back to regular programming...


Tonight is our last show of the tour (am I the queen of unnecessarily long time skips? I think yes. anyhow, moving right along...) and after that the band is going to have a huge party for just us. 

This summer has been the best of my life. I've not only gotten to hang with Brendon fucking Urie, but I got to spend the two whole months with my best friends, and girlfriend. My life. is. fantastic. Plus, over the summer, me and Summer noticed Mr. Finn getting pretty close with some moms throughout the tour (not that ya nasty) and we think that he might finally lift the dating ban. Sooo there's that too. 

I can't wait to tell everyone that I love Summer Hathaway, and she loves me. Honestly, even if the ban isn't lifted, I might tell anyways. I'm just that in love with her. 



MR. FINN JUST TOLD ME THAT HE MET SOMEONE!!!!!!!!! And THAT means that he's dating, which means we can date, as in ME AND FREDDY AHHH I HAVE TO TeLL HIM OMG OMG OMG.

Oh thank god, there he is. I wave him over.

"Hey babe." He says kissing me on the cheek. "What's up?"

"I have the best news."

"What?" He says smiling like an idiot.

"Mr. Finn just told me that he met someone."

"WHAT? THAT'S FANTASTIC!!" He is about to kiss me out of pure joy when the door to the green room opens up, revealing the rest of the band, each of them wearing long faces.

"Guys, what's wrong?" I ask, scared of the answer.

"Yeah Zack and Tomika, what's wrong?" Mr. Finn seems angry, he's never angry.

"Me and Zack told Mr. Finn the truth." Tomika mutters. 

"And that would be?" Freddy butts in.

Lawrence is the one to answer. "They've been dating since the start of the tour.

"What?" I say, surprised and a little hurt that my best friend didn't tell me she had a boyfriend. But to be fair, I didn't tell her about Freddy either.

"I'm sorry Sum, but I couldn't risk you finding out. But then we heard that Mr. Finn had met someone, and we thought it'd be okay to finally say something." Tomiks has tears in her eyes.

"Yeah, well, it wasn't" Mr. Finn begins, "and because of their so deliberate rule breaking, I had to remove them from the band."


"Mr. Finn you can't do that." Freddy says.

"Yeah," I say, "how are we supposed to have a band without our lead singer?"

When Mr. Finn simply shrugs in response, I decide to take a risk. "And besides, they're not the only ones who broke the rule."

Mr. Finn seems confused. "What do you mean?"

Before I can say anything, Freddy grabs my hand and says it for me. "Summer and I have been dating for five months now."

"Five months?" Mr. Finn asks, infuriated. "So all of you broke the rules?"

"Well, technically you said it was okay for me and Esme t-"

"Oh shut up Lawrence." Mr. Finn is not in the mood.

I interject before Mr. Finn has a chance to say anything else. "Mr. Finn, we don't get what the big deal is about dating."

"It's not about the dating anymore guys, all four of you disobeyed me, went behind my back to hide the fact that you did so, and instead of being punished, you all got rewarded with boyfriends and girlfriends." We all look down to the floor as he continues. "If you guys can't respect me and my decisions as the authority of the band, then maybe there shouldn't be a band."

"What are you saying, Mr. Finn?" Zack asks.

"I'm saying...School of Rock is done." With that, he leaves us in the room, with our eyes wide and jaws open. 

What just happened?



Holy crap it's been forever but I want to thank you guys for all the votes and views and oh my god I am so lucky to have you guys.

Love you all! and I'll try to update again soon!!!

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