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A/N: btw, let's just pretend that the kids are in high school, they were during the eclipse and they are now. mr finn is their 10th grade homeroom teacher. get it? got it? good.


I still cannot believe what happened last Friday. Most of the lock-in is a blur, but one thing that I can clearly remember is Freddy. When he came up to the roof, I assumed Kale was right behind him. I turned around to greet him but was instead greeted by his lips on mine. I didn't have words. Apparently neither did he, because after that, he started to leave, that is until I took the hint and didn't let him go without a kiss of my own. It felt like we were the only two people on Earth. You would not believe the amount of electricity running through my body. And today, I get to see the gorgeous boy once again, and hopefully discuss what this all means.


I got to school extra early to talk to Summer, since she is always the first one in the classroom. I want to tell her exactly what the kiss meant to me. That I want her to be mine, and only mine. When the blonde beauty herself walks into the room, her smile tells me that she feels the exact same, and I couldn't be more excited about it.

"Sooo..." She begins, but I can't hold it in another second.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"


"There's the Spring Formal coming you wanna be my date?" She stands there for a second, and I'm worried she'll say no, until a huge smile grows on her face.

"I'd love to." And soon my smile mirrors hers. "So what do we tell the guys?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, do we want them to know that we're dating?" The word dating only makes me smile harder.

"They're our best friends, why wouldn't we tell them right away?"

"Great. It's settled. We tell them right away." We smile at each other until Zack, Tomika and Lawrence burst through the door.

"Bleh. I hate couples." Zack says, causing me and Summer to worriedly glance at one another.

"I know. I mean, we get it you like each other, doesn't mean you have to infect the halls with all your sappiness." Lawrence adds.

"If I hear the words, 'we're dating' one more time today, I will punch someone." Tomika finalizes before the three of them go off on a rant in their own private little huddle.

Summer looks at me. "Okay so maybe not like RIGHT away right away, right?"

"Right." I say, nodding vigorously in agreement.

Besides me and Summer occasionally sharing longing glances at each other, the rest of the class is normal, until more near the end of our lesson, when Mr. Finn pipes up. "Do you guys know the reason why The Beatles ended?" Shaking our heads, Mr. Finn continues. "Because of a girl. Lennon decided to go all love crazy and ruin one of the best bands in history."

"Mr. Finn, where are you going with this?" Summer asks, hesitantly.

"I want you guys to promise me something, never date anyone." uh oh. "It could ruin the future of School of Rock. No relationships outside of the band, and especially, ESPECIALLY no dating within the group. We don't need to break up just because you two do.

"What about Esme?" Lawrence worries.

"I guess Esme can stay if she hasn't caused any trouble since you two have been together." Mr. Finn says as Lawrence pumps his fist in excitement.

"Okay but Freddy is dating Kale." Tomika states, while Summer, maybe a little too quickly adds, "NOT ANYMORE"

"Fine, right sorry, datED Kale."

"Exactly, and while he was, he was a little out of focus on what's really important. The band, we can't let anything come between the band. Now, let's ROCK!!!" With that, Mr. Finn grabs his guitar.

How am I supposed to hide my feelings for Summer when she's always around me? Her being the perfect girl she is, I don't know if I'll be able to.

This. Is NOT going to be easy.


This. Is NOT going to be easy.


Heyo! First chapter of my new book! Hope ya like it! I'm really excited for this one, and if you haven't already, go check out my other fremmer book, After the Eclipse.

What If? {a fremmer story}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora