Chapter 1

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It was hard to focus with all the action taking place around me. The wind blowing the dust in my wide and alert eyes made my vision become a blur. My hair was loosening from its braid and strands stuck to my sweaty, dirt covered face. I had to focus and act swift as I dodged swords left and right while striking my own at anyone trying to kill me.

     We've been going at it for hours since the early morning. Still many of our enemies were left and it was hard to tell who was becoming victorious. I kicked a man in the gut and he fell to the ground. Not a moment sooner I stuck my blade into chest, ending his life. Looking up with the few short moments I had before another enemy approached me, I scanned the area to see the progress. I gazed in horror as Narnians covered the ground, and more were falling. We were losing.

     "Your Majesty!" I heard Oremor shout nearby. A highly known centaur who I have watched grow into a strong, powerful warrior. He became my second in command as well as my protector, and together we watched over the rule of Narnia. Until the invasion.

     "There's too many. We need to fall back, retreat into the woods." He yelled as he tried to make his way towards me. I whipped my head around and looked at the chaos. My gaze locked when I spotted him.

     Salazar, a general of the Telmarine army was only a few paces away, tearing down at a minotaur I knew to be named as Sirrus. His black hair was oily and damp with sweat and blood. His eyes crazed with a hunger for death. He was at the meeting for peace, and he was the one who planted such twisted thoughts into the king's head. He was the cause of this.

     "Your Majesty!" Oremor shouted again. I turned to him and gave him a look of sorrow.

     "One more." I said.

     Turning back towards Salazar I noticed his gaze already set on me. With a sneer sent my way I charged. A few paces became nothing as our swords clashed with a loud clink. One on one we battled, and no Narnian nor Telmarine dared to interfere. I held a tight grip on my sword, defending his strikes and pushing strikes of my own. Second after second went by and our power seemed to strengthen, as well as our speed increasing with every move made. From the corner of my eye I noticed a gleam of light and my thoughts couldn't act fast enough.


A gasp of air escaped my lips as I sat up in bed. Sweat coated my body and cold chills tingled. The sun shined bright through the cream curtains on my window bringing light into my bedroom. With shaky and heavy breaths I looked over at the grandfather clock in the far corner to my left, reading it was half past seven.

     "I'm home. I'm home........ I'm home." I whispered to myself, calming my nerves.

     I pulled my hand through my hair, brushing it back and focused on the chirping of birds outside and the rustling of the leaves through the wind. Anything to distract, to forget. After a moment I yawned and stretched until the ringing in my ears faded away. With a sigh I pulled the sheets off my body and swung my legs off the bed. As they touched the slightly cold floors, I got up and made the bed quickly before walking across to my plain wardrobe and opened it, pulling out a blue dress and undergarments. I then walked to the door and quietly opened it, continuing down to the end of the hall where the bathroom was. There I started a warm bath, making sure the sweat was gone and the chills consumed by warmth. Finishing up, I dried myself off and slipped on the undergarments and dress, tossing the old nightgown down the dumbwaiter.

     As my hair looked decent enough in the mirror, I walked back to my room, slipped on some black flats, and left my room. Closing the door and taking the short walk to the kitchen. On my way just down the staircase I passed a certain room where the two men spent most of their time inside. I sighed to myself as I heard their quiet murmurs that faded away as I walked closer to my destination.

     Arriving to the quiet space that was hued in yellow from the lights, I grabbed a mug from it's rack on the wall over the counter and poured myself a fresh cup of hot tea. Ms. Macready must have been up since early hours. Adding a little cream and stirring my drink up I looked over to the side where the post was piled up. On top sat a small envelope addressed to me. I smiled as I recognized the handwriting. Picking up the letter and taking a seat at the table in the middle of the room, I took a sip of my tea before opening the letter up.

     Dear Elizabeth,

      Life over here is so different than how it was at the Professor's. Being here with just Edmund is very lonely, I wish for one day all of us to get together again where we can freely talk about our adventures. I suppose we could always let our cousin Eustace in on the secret, but he's not the type really. He's into facts and all that smart intellectual stuff. I hope you and Peter are doing well, and that Ms. Macready isn't being a crazed house maiden. I can't wait to see you two soon...

~ Lucy

     With a smile, I stand up with the letter and drink in hand and walk to the library. On my way I once again pass the room filled with silent murmurs. I entered the library and sat down at a desk, taking a piece of parchment and a vile of ink and pen and began to write my reply...

     Dear Lucy,

     Life here is not the same without your bright personality always brightening my day. I, too, miss  you and your other siblings and can agree that we need a get together. Your cousin sounds like no fun, he's young and needs more imagination in his life. Maybe if you and Ed ever go back while you're staying with him, he'll somehow get sucked in too. See if his facts and smart intellectual stuff gets him far then! And Peter and I...

     "Good morning, darling." A voice that belongs to Peter speaks behind me.

     I quickly cover the letter with my arms before he can see. A hand is placed on my head and I feel his lips kiss my temple for a quick moment, his deep chuckle humming into my head during our small contact.

     "No need to hide your writings, love." He said once he left my side, skimming the shelves for a book.

     "Lucy wishes us well, I was merely writing our usual girl talk." I stated, keeping a close eye on him as he scanned the medical section.

     "Well then I'll leave you to it. A long day I have of reading, but I'll try to get some free time for a picnic later." He said, and I knew. Although he said he'd find some time, I knew that there would be no time for us.

     "All that hard work will mean something in the future." I tell him, and I truthfully meant it. Of course I was proud of him for learning what he loves.

     "And it will, I promise." He said while slipping a thick book out from a shelf and turning around.

     I stared at his face and I could feel my expression dropping. He looked tired, worn. His cheeks thinned out a little to where his cheekbones were more defined. Stubble was starting to grow around his chin and jaw. Bags were slightly showing under his eyes, yet he was still my Peter. My beautiful boyfriend with golden hair and blue eyes that have been looking a little grey recently. My boyfriend who I rarely got to see once a day.

     Peter must have noticed my solemn look because he walked back up to me and crouched to my height.

     "Hey, I'll make sure that picnic happens. I promise." With that, he kissed my cheek and got up, leaving my sight and this room, back to the Professor's study where him and the Professor practiced medicines all day.

     I shook my head to escape the thought and continued.

Peter and I are well, yet we've been distant. Most of my days I spend alone while he's locked up with the Professor. Sadly I feel very alone here. With Ms. Macready out most of the time doing errands and school not yet started, I am alone. No need to worry though, Peter's doing great on his studies and soon enough I could see him attending Oxford! Of course I'm happy for him, and I know he'll prosper well from it, even if it means that our relationship must be placed on hold. Till next time.

~ Elizabeth

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