Chapter 6

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AN: To those who have been waiting for this chapter to come. First thank you so much for the patience, being as busy as I am I may not be able to update as often as most, but this story still wanders my mind. There are other stories I work on in-between and I only put out what I can create to the best of my ability at the time being. 

After thinking over how this story was going, I wasn't too fond of it and kind of lost, so I changed the path a little bit. Elizabeth is now trying to journalize her struggles rather than trying to find some field to work or study in. With this I can further the story without hitting dead ends. 

Thank you all for reading!

"Pete, are you sure it's ok to ask him?" 

     Peter and I stood down the hall from Kirke's office. Biting my nails from the thought of even disturbing the Professor. Peter was right behind me with hands on my shoulders massaging my nerves away. The two of us managed to find a nice notebook the other day at the market, but I hadn't a clue on how to start it at all. It was Peter's idea to ask the Professor since he once mentioned to Pete about being there before. 

     "Liz, the Professor won't mind you taking up five minutes of his time." 

     "I know, but I barely saw the man the first time I stayed here. Now thirteen hundred years later..."

     "Alright, stop." Peter interrupts my rambling my turning me around to face him. I gave out a stressed sigh and looked up at Peter with a small pout. 

     "The Professor is a nice man. The Macready only makes him seem grumpy." 

     I laughed at his comment and we slowed our breathing together. It was something we always done in the past, this world and the other. One of us became stressed and began to get a little worked up, the other will be right there to help calm down. 

Peter paced across his bedroom, stressed over the near future meeting he was to host with the Dukes of the Lone Islands. Now given the fresh title as Lord over the land, Peter needed to meet with the internal leaders and show his worth of that title. I only could stare at my new boyfriend sadly as he's pushed to take on such a responsible role. 

     Walking up to the pacing boy, I placed a hand on his arm and he stopped in place. Looking over to me and giving a sheepish smile. 

     "Sorry. Just a little nervous." 

     "Just a little?" I chuckled. In that moment, I remembered something my stepmother used to do for me and my stepsister when we woke up from nightmares. Without thought, I placed my hands to caress Peter's cheeks and had him stare at me. I could tell how shocked he was at my straightforward act, a blush appearing on his pale cheeks. 

     "Breathe with me, alright?" I tell him softly. Pete nodded and together we breathed slowly. Eight seconds in and four seconds out, the boy eventually stopped shaking and I realized how close we really were. 

     I widened my eyes and immediately released my hold on Peter's face and looked down shamefully.


     "Don't be." Peter whispered, placing a hold on my chin and lifting my head to peer into his sky blue eyes. 

     "Thank you for calming me down, and for letting me know that I'm not alone." 

"Professor?" I knocked on the door to his office. Peter right behind me. It was silent for a moment before a grunt came out, a muffled "come in" followed until it was silent once again. Slowly, I opened the door and stepped in the room, staying my the door. 

     The old man was sitting by his desk jotting down onto his journal. He looked up from his spectacles at the girl before him, and a gleam of wonder glossed his eyes. 

     "Ah, Miss Kane please come in." I nodded and took a step forward, but hesitated to go any further. Professor Kirke took note of this and smiled.

     "You as well, Mr. Pevensie." 

     Peter walks in with a shy smile and closes the door behind him. Walking further in, he places a hand on my back and leads the two of us to the chairs that are placed around the desk Professor Kirke was at. I sat upon a worn red lounge chair while Peter was in a green one.

     "I hope we're not intruding." I mention as we get ourselves comfortable.

     "Nonsense, having a few guests doesn't hurt. Now what can I help you with?" 

     I look over to Peter who gave me a nod of encouragement. Turning back to Professor Kirke, I give out a nervous sigh.

     "Would you be able to tell us about... your time in that other place?" 

     Kirke seemed to pause and zone out for a moment. His hand paused on his journal, the pen in his hand slowly leaking a dot of ink. 


     "I was there when it was created."

     Peter and I stared at the Professor in shock at the man before us who looked as if he was brought back to his childhood. A light of wonder had sparked in me, and it felt like some of the torment had lifted away in the moment. 

'The creation of Narnia...'

     Peter looked over to Elizabeth, and warmth filled him at the sight of her. She looked bright, more alive than she has been since returning. A touch of home returning to her heart. 

     "What was it like?" I had whispered out. 

   "Let's begin with how it all started. So, I was the nephew of a Magician..." 

     And so, Professor Kirke told the story of how him and a friend, Polly Plummer were tricked by his Uncle to use magic rings that could teleport themselves into other worlds. Elizabeth became entranced at the discovery of the Wood Between the Worlds. There, the two had jumped into one of the many puddles hoping to return home, but instead traveling to a completely different world. 

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