Chapter 7

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Charn, a wasteland whom has already been created and destroyed still existed in ash. As Diggory and Polly searched this barren land, they came across a bell. Breaking a curse that released Charn's old Empress Jadis, she had followed the two children back through the Wood Between the Worlds and into London, where she began her chaos of magic until the three of them and two other London citizens were teleported into a brand new world of Narnia.

There, they all watched the creation of Narnia take fold. It's creator, Aslan, came upon to Diggory, and sent him on a mission to protect this new land from the evil Jadis that he had brought into Narnia. An apple he was supposed to find from a sacred tree that will protect Narnia for another 898 years.

Upon arriving to the Garden of Youth, it was shocking to find Jadis already there. Having eaten a fruit from the tree, Jadis had made herself immortal. She tried to plead to plead with Diggory not to take the apple and plant it, for it will bring upon her banishment. She pushed on even further, begging Diggory to eat the fruit and become an immortal like herself. Together they could rule over this new Narnia for an eternity. 

Diggory refused, and Jadis in her anger fled to the Northern lands that lied beyond the borders of Narnia. Retuning, Diggory planted the apple and it sprouted to become the Tree of Protection. 

As a gift for his courage and resist to temptation, Aslan had given Diggory an apple from the tree. Diggory and Polly were then returned to London where Diggory had fed the apple to his ill mother who immediately healed back to a healthy state. 

The core of the apple was planted into Diggory's yard, and it grew just as big and healthy as its sister tree back in Narnia. Diggory would sometimes catch the tree swaying peacefully when there would be no wind. 

Eventually the tree was brought down, but the wood was well kept and was used to build a single wardrobe. 

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