Chapter 12

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AN: Hello my beautiful Narnians, I apologize for the large gap of being MIA. There has been some crazy things going down the past few months and I needed to step away for a bit to focus on my family's health. I'm slowly getting back into the rhythm of things, and I hope you will continue to read this story. Thanks much for your patience <3

Also, thank you all so much for the 20k+ readers and almost 500 likes on the first book of this series, "More Than it Seems"! It warms my heart to see people still reading this series after being out for a few years already.  

Just a little warning, this chapter gets a little spicy!🔥 Seriously though: 18+  <3  I will place a warning before and after the section. 

"I can't believe Annalise will be two in the spring! I remember when you and George came back from the hospital with her." I stated as I watched the neighbor's daughter run around our shared backyard. She was chasing a butterfly; her ginger curls shined brighter than the flames of the sun.

"I know, I swear she gets larger everyday."  Melanie sighs as she watches her daughter, a warm smile rested on her face. "That day was dreadful though. George could barely get the girl into her crib without her screaming for attention." 

"Can't imagine." I reply only half listening as I was more focused on the girl's giggling.

"Are you and Peter trying for a child? You two are well over old enough to start having children, and you've been settled in for quite sometime." 

"We tried..." I say slowly as I'm brought back to when we were back in that place. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were... barren." Melanie gasps out, and snapping me back into the present. I wave my hand at her to ease her thoughts.

"No don't worry. It's not like that." I reassure her worries, turning my gaze away from the child towards my neighbor next to me. 

"We tried once back in London, but I got sick. Ended up being unwell enough to keep the baby healthy." I explained awkwardly. Melanie gasped and held her hand to her heart in a way that looked a little too dramatic.

"Oh, darling. That must be so tragic. That fear of not feeling like you can properly carry a child, truly terrifying to try again." She rambled on, and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her. 'Scuse me of the accusations. 

"It's not quite like that, we just never tried after that one, we were both so busy." I explained.

"Well. I'd get checked before ever trying again! My sister knows this doctor who..." Melanie began to brag, but I really couldn't care. So instead, I just smiled and nodded at the appropriate times. 

The gardens outside the palace were always a lovely place to spend time during the late spring. The air was always fresh, and the running water from the fountains spotted throughout always brought a calming atmosphere. The sun always warm against the skin, but never hot. It was a comfort that radiated  a person into security. 

Peter and the others were currently in an important meeting about the rising feud against Ettinsmoor. It was likely that we would be going to war soon against the giants as they were claiming to be an independent nation. I always thought it to be about time since the creatures were always so vicious towards our northern borders. 

If it weren't for the growing child inside me, I would probably be a part of the meeting as well. Susan thought it wise not to include me in any political matters to ease my stress levels. 

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