Chapter 13

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Dear Lucy,

I am pleased to inform you that Peter and I have received your invitation and are looking forward to the trip. It would appear that thinking back of home warms my heart and it is truly in need of a visit. We are doing well here in America, Peter is excelling in his work at the pharmacy and I couldn't be more proud of him. We have exciting news to share with you all and I'm afraid it's just too big to share over letters. Until we see you again in a month.

With best care,


I hummed in content as I tapped the back end of the pen on the piece of paper before setting the utensil down on the table. Leaning back sit properly in the chair, I looked out into the window to look at the dreary grey land that appeared warped from the drops of rain that stuck to the glass. I stared at the trickling drops as they raced down the window, and listened to the different variations of pattering water hitting their surfaces. In an almost instinctual habit that has become new to me, my hand found itself on my swollen belly. Rubbing the surface with my thumb to not only comfort myself, but the growing child within.

It was Saturday evening, and Peter was traipsing amongst the house in a restless state. Having only returned from work hours ago, he was collecting his worn clothes to toss them into the wash. I had offered to do the task like I normally would, but he insisted I stayed off my feet. The soup from dinner already packaged for leftovers in the fridge, and a pot of tea simmering on the stove.

I folded the letter up and placed it into an envelope. Using the pen once more, I properly addressed the piece of paper and stood up to place the letter on our front table to be shipped for Monday.

Humming an old tune, I shuffled into the kitchen to make myself and my husband a cup. Grabbing two cups from only one of our many matching sets, I poured the tea into the glasses and watched the dark pools steam against the cool air of the house. Grabbing the matching saucers, I placed everything on a tea tray and slowly made my way to the staircase.

Being pregnant wasn't all that scary especially since I've once been with child before, but the weight of it all was truly a huge pain.

I placed the tea tray on one of the higher steps to rest my arms and straighten my back. I strongly inhaled as I leaned my back into a stretch to release some weight from the front. Exhaling my way back, I leaned forward to grab the tray once more.

"Darling?" Peter brought my attention to him. I turn to see him in his undershirt and pants staring at me with caution.

"I was bringing us some tea to have in our room. I just needed a stretch before..." I chuckled to myself as I looked at the stairs. Peter shook his head lightly before approaching me.

"As much as I appreciate the gesture," He begins as he comes up from behind me and places a gentle kiss on my head, "I don't want you straining yourself."

He reaches for the tray and very easily balances it on the palm of his hand. He looked similar to a server as he swung the tray from in front of us to above his side while his other hand placed itself on my back.

"Come on. Let's head upstairs." He gently coaxes as he lightly pushes me to move forward. Together we trek the stairs and into our bedroom where he helps me sit down in my chair while he places the tray on the small table.

Placing his hands on both armrests of my chair, he cages me in and looks at me with a smirk on his face. I smile to myself and caress his cheeks in my hand, pulling him into a sweet kiss.

"Thank you." I say as we pull away, my hands press his cheeks in to give him a pout before releasing his face completely.

"I'll join you in a moment. Just need to change." Peter mentions as he pushes himself off the armrests and walks into our shared bathroom where his nightmare is usually folded ready for him.

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