Chapter 2

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The waves of the Eastern Sea splashed up against the beach's shore. Specks of the water's mist hit my face from the breeze as it blew through my hair and dress in elegance. Staring out into the setting sun that hid itself behind the water's edge more each moment. An orange hue covered the lands, making the trees glow as well as the rocks, and the castle I was currently standing upon.

     Three days since the disappearance of the Kings and Queens, or that's just what their people seem to believe. With each face passing my path within these past days, I have been questioned. With each question I can do nothing but pretend that I don't know even though the very moment has never left my mind once. To pretend that I worry for their safety when in reality they are in the safety of Professor Kirk back home. Every moment alone, I think of them, of him. Just like that, my family had been taken away from me.

     "Your Highness." A voice spoke from behind me, breaking me out of my saddened state.

     Turning my head slightly over my shoulder to glimpse at who disturbed my time. Any emotion of annoyance slipped away as I saw it was Mr. Tumnus, a very close, loyal, and trusted friend to the Kings, Queens, and myself. His eyes looked saddened as he watched me in pity. Slowly walking closer, he pulled out a handkerchief from under his green scarf and offered it to me. Placing my right hand under my eye, a small gasp came from me when my fingers caught a falling tear. With a scoff towards myself and a small smile, I accepted the handkerchief and dabbed my cheeks dry.

     "It is what Aslan wanted." Mr. Tumnus reassured as I gave him back the handkerchief that the youngest Queen lent back to him long ago. It had been passed back and forth between the two within the years, and it strengthened their bond within each passing.

     "I just feel so lost." I admit, not only to Mr. Tumnus, but to myself as well. "Sure, Aslan has a good reason for sending them back, and I understand completely, but I still need time to heal. But now I'm to be Queen of Narnia, and I have no idea how to rule."

     "I believe you have done well so far," Mr. Tumnus piped in, "and you will only grow from that."

     "That was along side the Pevensies, and with the aid of Aslan. Now they're all gone leaving me with no guidance." I say solemnly.

     It was always Peter who made the battle strategies and the big final decisions. Edmund was our very own diplomat and was very successful within meetings with surrounding countries and near islands. Susan was the logical one of course and always was able to present different perspectives on situations for Peter or Edmund. Lucy, oh sweet Lucy, she was always the one that strengthened our relationships with our own people. Always taking trips to the village to talk to the townsfolk and buy little treats always overpaying insisting it was the least she can do for them. She would play with the young children and always brought smiles to everyone's faces. Then there was Aslan, he represented everything good, and hope flowed out of him to where just seeing the great lion lifted anyone's spirits.

     "They all had their strengths and weaknesses, including Aslan. Just like you. I soon hope you will learn to see your strengths are far more powerful than your weaknesses." Mr. Tumnus said.

     He placed his hand on my shoulder to show his care, and not a moment longer it was gone, and Mr. Tumnus walked back into the castle walls. I stared back out into the Eastern Sea where the Sun had left as well. The land was not in darkness for the brightest of stars began to brighten up the sky and the world below. A surge of motivation flowed through me, for tomorrow will be my coronation, and I shall be Queen Elizabeth, ruler of the Mystical Northern Night.

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