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Grayven Justice moves like star shine, walking down the ancient halls of Telemark High. Most of the students have blue eyes making them a fine sight to see, but not him. His are forest green flaked with orange sun spots which shine in the reflected light of prismatic windows. Blue is a sign of genetic modifications and he wants nothing to do with that, but an allele change for his beard of black heads would be a welcome relief. Everywhere he looks is blond hair and blue eyes, still there's a few half-breeds with dark brown that makes their pupils impossible to see.

He loves the way his dick-head persona makes other students steer clear when he walks by. He's worked damn hard honing the sarcastic turd to the point where its second nature and he wonders if he might really be a jerk. The stab of regret makes it a nano-second into his conscience before being dismissed, and he barks a snide laugh when some poor fool trips over their own foot.

"Looser," his voice is too loud, and a bit forced, overcompensating for years of not being heard. People listened now and he's fully aware of the affect his I don't care attitude has on those around him. A wide, yellow toothed grin crosses his face as snatches a student's energy drink and gulps it down in two long drags.

"Thanks," he says, crushing the can and shoving it into the boy's arms, where it leaks the last few drops of sticky fluid down his shirt. His classmate is left staring without a word while Grayven kicks the door to his class open and yells, "This is freaking boring," as if the entire world owes him something.

"Mr. Justice, this is your one and only warning," says his teacher.

"Like I need a warning that this class is boring." He sits down and says, "Idiot," under his breath while the teacher's mouth works open and closed like a fish out of water. She lets it slide, like a thousand times before, hoping someday he will see the light. She knows another detention won't help anything, it will take a cataclysm to change that boy.

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