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Thoughts and ideas are coming in bold images. I can feel the creative powers inside me stirring. Ancient galaxies collide, and from them is birthed the stars which now shine. Somehow my mind, my soul, and my spirit jump into that unknown realm where dreams are made and the ideas solidify before I can think them up. "If he is born on Earth, Ketty will have to come and get him," I say.

"Then he's human?"

"I'm not sure, but I'll tell you what a do kn..." Just then loud shouting reaches our ears, the unmistakable cries of a man fighting for his life. Brush crashes and he's almost climbing on top of us. He falls on top of our shelter and peers down through a crack. The look of surprise makes him stop until he realizes if he keeps going, we will be left to deal with what's after him, so he runs.

"Aim for the feet," I whisper icily to Natalie. I feel strange inside and realize I'm ready to fight. The quick breathing of a young Baird is on us, red feathers flashing when it jumps over our hiding place. I don't even realize I'm firing until it screeches in a terrible, gut wrenching cry. Natalie is up and chasing after it as it passes, and she's close enough to bring the butt of her gun down on the tiny brain sack. It deflates with an evil hiss but she knows it's not dead. Her foot is on the scrawny neck and she's hacking at it with the butt of her rifle, but the scales are impervious to her blows, so I walk over and gently lift one of the white diamonds, place my barrel under the flap, and...

"Stop," yells Natalie, pushing the rifle aside, "let's take him prisoner." She reaches down and removes the necklace. It's small and we realize this one is very young.

"He must be a few months old and this necklace won't have the full range of power," I tell her. She bends its head backwards until the neck is in a U shape then begins to wrap my belt around the chest and brain sack. It's still deflated and the creature will be looking upside down and at the ground when it wakes up. How the hell is she so smart, I wonder?

"You said Ketty and Rayleen could communicate, so we can use its necklace to see where the rest of the brood is at."

"Nice work," I say, surprised at the casualness in my voice. The man is a few feet away, crying like a baby. I walk over a stand in front of him. "Where is their base? You have to take us there?"

He looks up like I'm insane. "There are hundreds of them, and they're always hungry, always hunting. Are you crazy?"

Natalie steps over and slaps him hard. "Snap out of it, stupid." There's an icy coldness in her voice and I wonder if she's acting or just winging it. Her words seem to penetrate and the glazed look slowly leaves his eyes.

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