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"Hold my feet," she says. The droppings are slippery and her feet are small, almost childlike. I'm worried I'll drop her and try and lighten the mood.

"Glad you're only a hundred twenty-three pounds."

"Just don't drop me," she says with a wry sense of humor, "and quit staring at my underwear." Her dress is almost around her head, so I avert my eyes and place both feet deep in the droppings. Instead I focus on the left side of her head where the hair is making a feeble attempt at growing back after her last movie, Mockingjay-Part 2.

"Aren't you happy it's not freezing?" a snide reference to the fact she froze her butt off while playing the part of Cressida.

"I hate the cold, now lower me a few more inches," comes her muffled voice. She is literally crawling down the underside with only her hands and I can feel her muscles straining against my grip. There will be no saving her if she slips, but she is strong, very athletic, and now only her ankles are showing. Finally, she cries, "Pull me up, pull me..." her words are cut short by a mouth full of bird droppings as I haul her to safety. My shirt is the only clean thing left and I use it to cover my finger and swipe her mouth clean.

"Like clearing a baby's mouth."

"Thanks," she spits until her mouth is dry. I use the shirt to clean her head and she doesn't protest.

"Can we make it?" I go over and pull the half dead body free. He has no legs but I take his belt and wrap it around his neck. Natalie comes over and holds him down while I pull it tight and finish him off as quickly as possible.

"We can make a rope with your pants and this belt and swing to the pole, but you'll have to let go to slide down."

I didn't like it but she made me go first. "Someone has to untie the belt and bring it with us," she reasons. "There's a small nub of a broken branch and we can hook the metal buckle to that." I grab one end with my right arm and ease myself through the hole. At the last minute, I slip, then the belt comes up tight and I slam my face into the pole. I reach around with my left arm, and look over my shoulder. It's a long way down.

"Oh crap," I feel my arm growing tired.

"You have to let go of the belt," She encourages me from the relative safety of the nest. When I do, somehow, I manage to get my other arm around the pole, but I'm in free-fall, sliding down the crap soaked pole much faster than I like. I hit the ground hard, but the real pain is between my legs. The friction has burned my balls, then Natalie lands on my head, but at least we're free.


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