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"I'm always thinking of a new character to reveal some aspect of those around me..." The sound of marching brings our conversation up short. Thankfully I didn't use the plasma rifle to heat some stones or we would be dead right now. The path is close by and I can hear them clucking under their breath, as if chanting a tune. All their weaknesses flash through my mind. Stab under their scales, hack at their legs, shoot at their mouth. They can't stand pain, and will launch into a frenzy when hurt. Pierce their brain sack and deflate it, but I never thought about music. What would that do to them and have they evolved some reasonable thinking. Maybe they're not as heartless as I dreamed. They might have a vision for their own civilization and humans just don't fit in. Was I feeling sympathetic? Then there was my second book. It wasn't even finished yet and I had killed Bakes, a truly great character. I needed to know if he was really dead or not.

Light is punching through the canopy and I know we have slept. "I was thinking last night, about the Baird."

"Go on," she says. I try to move but she protests. "Just a few more minutes."

"They have their nests right on the bridge of their star ships, but there are no buildings where we started, so there has to be another base that way." I pointed down the trail where the soldiers had been going.

"Then that's where we're going. We need one of those necklaces and a starship, but first we need to get the story straight." I liked her thinking, lofty ideas against impossible odds.

"He can't be another bad boy with a chip on his shoulder, or the love interest of a great female character," I whisper in Natalie's ear. We are so close I find it hard to think clearly.

"Why not a girl?"

"Ketty is a girl, and Rayleen, and Pon-shea. Some would say I'm biased."

"Or a pervert. Are you a pervert, David?"

She's joking, hopefully. "I've created so many characters, and none seem to meet my expectations, but the power inside a woman is immeasurable."

"You have a savior complex. The only person who can meet your expectations is God, if there is one. Why not bring them all together to defeat the Baird once and for all?" She shifts her position but makes no attempt at relinquishing the shred of warmth. With light, I can feel the chill dissipating rapidly.


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