Chapter 61: Missing you

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About two months have passed since Jungkook and Tae 'stopped' dating, They were all back in school which also meant Junghyun was in college. Jimin
was the only other friend Jungkook had but, he was afraid that jimin would leave him since he had a girlfriend that went to that school as well, ya Jimin was the only straight one in their little group but, he himself said that he doesn't care about what gender his friends like. Jungkook was walking to his last class of the day, this was one of many classes he had with Tae and stupid Minji. Jungkook quickly walked into class and took his seat which was close to tphe door so once class was over he could quickly go home and bury himself in his covers. Tae walked in soon after and was heading over to Jungkook who was looking down at a book, before Minji pushed passed some people and grabbed his arm taking him to their seats. Jungkook looked up from his book and quickly put it away once the teacher came in the classroom, he didn't seem to have noticed that Tae was going to talk to him. Once the bell rang indicating class was over Jungkook quickly put his books away and walked out of the classroom. Jungkook continued walking away from the school before a voice called out to him.

"Jungkook-ah wait up!"- It was Tae, Jungkook built up all his courage to turn around and face him

"What do you want Tae?"- Jungkook mumbled not looking him in the face

"Kookie you know I didn't really break up with you right? I really miss you"- Tae said as Jungkook tensed up a little, he couldn't deni that he was missing the older.

"Why can't you tell me the truth? What are you hiding from me Tae Tae?"- Jungkook asked clutching his school bag

"I just can't, it's not like I want to hide this from you"- Tae said as Jungkook finally looked him in the eye's

"It's your father isn't it? That's why you can't tell me anything, I know he hates me already" - Jungkook said as Tae took a few steps closer to him and caressed his cheek, Jungkook leaned into his touch, now he really couldn't deni that he didn't miss Tae

"If you really want to know, I'll tell you"- Tae said as Jungkook nodded the noticed a car driving towards them, he recognised it immediately.

"I think you have to leave, your dads car is here"-Jungkook said pulling away from Tae's touch, Tae turned towards the car with small glare in his eye's. Tae wouldn't bring his car to school he didn't want  to risk it getting broken into and stolen.

"I'll text you later and tell you everything, I promise"- Tae said heading his father's car as jungkook nodded and began walking again

Jungkook's heart was still closed and locked but it was no longer chained up, and only Tae had the key  to unlock it but, Jungkook still had an unease feeling in his stomach. He continued walking his calm pace soon turned into a full on speed walk, someone was definitely following him and it wasn't jimin since he would prank call him first then scare him. He dug his phone out of his pocket and quickly called Jin, who picked up by the second ring.

"Hello jungkookie"- Jins voice ran through the phone

"Hey hyung is it alright if I come over I need help with my school work"- Jungkook asked what he said wasn't actually a lie he did need help with his homework and he wanted to get away from whoever was following him.

"Of course! Yoongi is here as well so we don't mind but, Is your mom okay with it?"- Jin asked as Jungkook thought for a second

"Ya if I say I was at Namjoon hyungs place then she won't mind"-Jungkook said as he waited by a bus stop where luckily other people were

"Alright then, I'll see ya soon kookie"-Jin said as jungkook hummed in response then hung up

The bus came soon after and jungkook decided to sit up front just in case he needed to run from some crazy murderer rapist with a knife, he had a very wild imagination for an almost seventeen year old but his mind was also very innocent. Jungkook looked out the window and noticed the next bus stop coming up. He stood once the bus came to a stop and quickly got off, the ride surprisingly only took him ten minutes, he walked the rest of the way to Jin's place which only took him five minutes. Once he got there he quickly knocked and soft footsteps were heard before the door opened reavling Yoongi.

"Yoongi hyung!"-Jungkook chirped happily tackling Yoongi into a hug

"Hello Kook-ah"- Yoongi said ruffling the younger hair then closing the door behind him

Jungkook followed Yoongi into the kitchen, where Jin was making a cake? "Hi hyung uhh what are you doing?"- Jungkook asked as Jin just grinned happily

"Hi kook and I'm making a cake"- Jin said as Yoongi chuckled

"He does this when he's bored don't mind it, let's just go work on your homework"-Yoongi said as Jungkook nodded then headed to the living room

"So what made you come over kook-ah? Don't you usually go to your moms cafe to help out?"-Yoongi asked as Jungkook shook his head and looked up from his work

"Ya I usually do but eomma gave me the day off and there was someone following me I'm not sure who it was though I was to nervous to look behind me, so I decided to call Jin hyung, but I did need help with my work"-Jungkook said as he continued writing

"What!? Are you serious?"-Yoongi asked as Jungkook nodded

"I was gonna tell Jin hyung but I thought it would be better not to"- Jungkook said as Yoongi nodded nervously

"It's good you didn't he would have went and sniffed you down then walked with you the rest of the way and that's a little dangerous"-Yoongi said as Jungkook looked at him confused, he knew that they we're animals but was still confused

"What do you mean? What's dangerous about it?"- Jungkook asked as Yoongi took out his phone and typed some stuff in then showed jungkook the video.

"Jin hyungs wolf is really pretty but I can see what your saying now, there in danger?"- Jungkook said as Yoongi nodded

"Ya that's why Namjoon won't let Jin go hunting on his own he's to wary"- Yoongi sighed as Jin walked in with snacks. 

The house was filled with a calming vanilla smell, from the cake that was now baking. He spread the snacks on the large coffee table they had the sat over by Jungkook to see how far he had gotten in his work. He scolded jungkook seeing as he had only answered a few questions while yoongi was laughing to himself.


I was drawing while typing this *sigh* BOREDOM!

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