Chapter 74: Caregivers

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After Namjoon had released the last of the teenage wolves, he looked over by Jin who was surrounded by all the pups and at least two or three caregivers who seemed to be asking him random questions, Namjoon realized that the pack hunters we're ready and quickly ran over to them, him being the one to lead them out. The pups who we're surrounding Jin, had instantly found out about the baby when they first got his scent in their noses and the caregivers had been giving him tips on what to do.

"Jin hyung what's its name?"-Tala asked as all the other pups nodded making jin laugh

"I'm not even sure what the gender is or how many there is"-Jin replied as one of the caregivers took in a deep breath

"Oh! Your having a girl!"-One of the cargivers barked happily making jin give an excited but confused look

"How could you tell?"-He asked confused

"Well we're not called caregivers for no reason, we're chosen as caregivers once were born or in our teenage years, we can sense how many pups and the gender a wolf is going to have, by how strong the smell is"-The other caregiver said as Jin nodded, he never knew that they could smell that well

Jin continued talking to the caregivers and answering the pups random questions until a howl was heard meaning Namjon and the hunters we're back, all the pups ran over to the entrance as they walked in and the caregivers went back to where they we're before, leaving jin to lay on a pile of leaves he figured caregivers didn't eat until much later or had food brought to them.

Namjoon trotted over to Jin who was resting his eye's, with a piece of meat in his mouth. Jefore he even nudged the older he opened his eyes probably from the smell of the meat, making Namjoon slightly jump, but, sit next to him anyway.

"I thought you we're sleeping"-Namjoon barked giving jin the peice, which he immediately dug into

"I was resting my eyes and where's yours?"-Jin barked as he continued chewing on the meat

"I already had my fill after we hunted it down"- Namjoon barked resting his head between his paws, While jin finished the rest of his meat before resting his head by Namjoons

"Oh I almost forgot, were having a girl"-Jin barked as Namjoons ears perked up and had a bit of tail wag

"The caregivers told you?"-Namjoon barked resting his head on the back of Jins neck taking in his flowery scecdnt as the older nodded

"Are you gonna stay home tomorrow joon?"-Jin barked quietly as Namjoon yawned then nodded

"Ya my boss gave me the rest of the week off I don't think he wants to go back to work either to be honest"-Namjoon whimpered making Jin chuckle

They sat around until Namjoon decided they needed to head home, once both of then entered through the back door again, jin headed up stairs and took a shower while Namjoon had been looking at the upstairs bedrooms, they would need a crib and probably repaint the room which Namjoon would ask Jungkook to do. He walked back into his room to see Jin drying his hair, he trotted over and wrapped his arms around Jins waist, the flowery scent was stronger now and it collided with the baby smell which made Namjoon go crazy and mark Jin unconsciously making the older jump, before Namjoon let go.

"J-Joon warn me first"-Jin mumbled with a red face as Namjoon chuckled

"Sorry, I did it unconsciously"-Namjoon said rubbing the back of his head as Jin frowned and marked him back

"Your such a butt"-Jin mumbled making Namjoon laugh before dragging him into the bed.

They sat in bed for a bit until, a few multiple howls could be heard from outside, they we're distress howls, making Namjoon immediately get up and head over to the balcony, there was a small huddle of wolves barking clearly trying to get Namjoons attention, which they got. He ran downstairs and opened the back door changing into his wolf within seconds, Jin following not to far behind.

"What's going on?"-Namjoon barked loudly making the roudy wolves go silent

"They took Tala!"-A wolf barked it was Tala's mother, once jin heard the name he immediately fully walked over to them

"Who was it?"-Jin barked calmly even though on the inside he was worried as hell

"We don't know, right after the both of you left a group of wolves entered out territory and took the closes pup they could find"-Another wolf barked, jin had a feeling he knew who it was

"The elders sent out all the tracker and hunter wolves so most of the pack is gone, they still haven't found her, it's like her scent is lost"-Her mother whined, Jin definitely knew who it was now.

His pack was capable of doing things like that, they would put a wolf in water for a certain amount of minutes and then take them out and not let them dry themselves off, He knew why they took Tala and it was definitely his fault meaning he had to help whether he wanted to or not.

"I know where she is"Jin whimpered quietly as Namjoon looked towards him and finally realized

"He wouldn't go that far"-Namjoon growled out

"He's done it before"-He replied reverting his eyes

They sat in silence before Jins eyes darted to the right side of the forest which was the darkest part, he narrowed his eyes, before walking over, once he got to area only a few feet away from the group of hunter wolves that were lurking in the shadows.

"Leader wants to see you immediately"-One of the hunters barked quietly, they weren't aloud to disrespect Jin since he was still an alpha

"Your not gonna go are you?"-Namjoon barked in a pleading tone as Jins ears flattened

"Well who else is gonna go and it is kinda my fault I don't have much of a choice"-Jin whimpered quietly

"Then I'll go wit-""You can't Joon, if you or anyone else from you pack goes then you'll be killed instantly without warning"-Jin whined, before taking a few steps back and walking over to the group of hunters

Namjoon was going to follow him when a few of them blocked his path, snarling and growling at him, Jin was already angry and tired so he immediately growled lowly at them making the group go silent

"Don't touch him"-Jin snarled at them as there ears flattened and trotted back over to his side, he looked back at Namjoon and gave him a dont-follow-me look, before walking back into the woods out to sight


Well that happened......


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