Chapter 23:Family of Kim Seokjin Part 15

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Jin was out the door in a blink of an eye he hadn't cooked in so long so he was the first to be in the car. The other looked at each other and laughed following jin to the car where he was in the back seat, looking like he was about to jump out of seat but luckily the seat belt was keeping him contained.

"Hurry up slow pokes, I haven't cooked in forever!"-Jin yelled out to them through the window. The others began to walk fast while laughing.

Once everyone was in the car yoongi quickly drove off, heading up to the mountain area. Hoseoks face went slightly pale after realizing where yoongi's uncle lived and yoongi noticed of course.

"Hoseok-ah? Something wrong?"-Yoongi asked gripping hoseoks hand worried.

"My parents live in the mountains"-Hoseok mumbled as Namjoon and Jin looked at each other confused.

"Is that a bad thing, you should visit them"-Jin said as hoseok shook his head quickly.

"N-no way in hell their the main reason I moved down from the mountain!"-Hoseok said gripping yoongi's hand a bit tighter.

"You on bad ties with your parents?"-Namjoon asked as hobi nodded.

"Hobi's parents don't really like me that much, they think a dog like species shouldn't be with a cat"-Yoongi said smiling slightly as he pulled into a driveway.

"Not only that they don't even treat me like a son, I'm just another person that used to live with them."-Hoseok mumbled running his hands through his hair which he did when he was irritated/annoyed or feeling cocky.

"Let's just forget about that for now and head inside hmm?"-Jin said with a small smile making the others calm down a bit.

Everyone nodded and headed to the front door, yoongi knocked and heavy foot steps were heard until the door opened revealing yoongi's uncle and their councilor looking at then surprised.

"What the hell are you guys doing here!?"-He said dragging them inside then shutting the door quickly

"We wanted to borrow your kitchen, haven't had a home cooked meal in a while"-Yoongi said as he led jin to the kitchen, looking through the fridgerator.

Yoongi's uncle looked back at the two who just smiled awkwardly. "You guys actually busted into that school to get him back!?"-His uncle asked pacing back and forth.

"Well actually we asked and they brought him to us we didn't even have to go inside"-Namjoon said rubbing his neck nervously.

"The best part about it was that they actually knew who Namjoon was, isn't that right Mr. Monster"-Hoseok said teasingly as Namjoon hid his face slightly.

"Seriously hyung you and yoongi hyung rap to ya know"-Namjoon mumbled as yoongi's uncle looked at them surprised.

"You mean your "yes yes I'm him"-Namjoon said covering his face.

Before anyone could say anything a loud yelp was heard from the kitchen it was clearly jins. Namjoon was the first one to speed off to the kitchen the other two right behind him, once they got to the kitchen yoongi was in his cat form clearly staring something down that was in a dark corner while jin was in another corner of the kitchen holding his hand painfully and almost on the verge of tears, while his face had gone completely pale.

"W-What's going on in here?"-Namjoon asked as cat yoongi ran out of the kitchen chasing what looked like a small rat successfully catching it in his mouth biting down, killing it instantly.

"We found our answer"-Hoseok said as cat yoongi walked away most likely outside with the rat still in his mouth.

Namjoon looked back to jin who still in the corner of the kitchen, holding his hand. Namjoon quickly ran to jin and checked his hand to see a large bite mark in the middle of it.

"Yahh! Hey! Where's your first aid kit"-Namjoon asked yoongi's uncle who had already been looking for it and luckily found it, handing it to Namjoon.

Namjoon walked jin out of the kitchen and sat him on the large couch opening the metal box to see bandages and other medical stuff.

"Hyung how did this even happen? I know your not afraid of rats but why did it bite you?"-Namjoon asked cleaning the bite, making it sting slightly as jin just shrugged.

"I opened one of the cabinets and it jumped out and bit me so I accidently screamed, it was probably scared so I can't really blame it"-Jin said as Namjoon began wrapping the bite mark.

"Your to nice to other animals jinnie"-Namjoon said smiling while pecking jins cheek after finishing tying the wrap.

"That's not my fault, by the way what do wanna eat for dinner?"-Jin asked laughing a bit as yoongi walked back in turning back into a person once he got inside the house.

"Seaweed soup!"-Namjoon said sounding like a excited little kid.

"What? Thats gonna take a while and I don't think we have seaweed"-Yoongi said sitting next to hoseok who just entered the living room sitting on the couch.

"Then me and hobi will go get the ingredients!"-Namjoon said as hobi gave him a 'why me' look

"You good with that hyung?"-Yoongi asked turning to jin.

Jin nodded. "I don't mind just make sure you get the right things Kay?"-Jin said with a slight smile.

"Don't worry we will"-Namjoon said pecking jins cheek before dragging hobi out with him.

"Why did I have to go?"-Hobi complained getting into the drivers seat.

"It's to dangerous for yoongi and jin hyung to be out in the open again"-Namjoon mumbled as they began driving down the mountain.

"Hm? What do you mean, that incident was weeks ago it can't be the same guys right?"-Hobi asked a bit of anger in his voice.

"No not them Its really faint but the scent is definitely like jins."-Namjoon said as they pulled into the supermarket parking lot

"Jin hyungs family hmm, But what's that got to do with Yoongi hyung?"-Hoseok asked as they got out the car.

"I'm not sure actually but yoongi must have something to do with it, maybe we should ask his parents?"-Namjoon mumbled as they entered the store.

"It's better not to, you know why already right?"-Hoseok said picking up a bag of chips throwing it into the small hand basket while, Namjoon looked around for the seaweed.

"Ya i guess, his parents aren't on very good terms, I never knew why they split up though, they seemed  really happy with each other."-Namjoon said picking up three packages of seaweed just in case there wouldn't be enough, throwing them into the hand basket.

"It wouldn't be such a good idea to ask either, Yoongi hates his parents, that's the main reason why he never says a word about them"-Hoseok said getting a few drinks before they headed up to the cash register quickly paying then heading back out to the car.



I got nothing

hope you enjoyed

[FINSIHED] DOn't fall in love: NAMJINOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz