Chapter 49: Yoongi and Hoseok back story part 7

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A few minutes before school ended Hobi got out of class and went to the tree where they had buried Tiger, He had forgotten his sweater there and quickly went to get it, once he got his sweater he put another flower on top of the place where they buried her. The bell rang indicating that school was over and kicking Hobi out of his thoughts. He put his sweater in his bag and began to walk out of school when he saw Yoongi talking on the phone standing by the school gates. Yoongi seemed to be arguing with someone, Hobi walked over and gently placed his hand on Yoongi's shoulder, the older spun around and calmed down as he saw hobi's sweet smile. He slightly looked as the turned off his phone and put it in his pocket.

Yoongi sighed in an annoyed tone. "My dad and that woman had their flight canceled at the last minute, so now they won't get out of my hair for another day"-He said annoyed as hobi chuckled then ruffled his hair.

"Forget about them hyung, let's go"-Hobi said taking hold of Yoongi's arm leading him down the street

"W-Where are we going?"-Yoongi asked with rosy pink cheeks

"I don't know actually, I just wanted to be with you for the rest of the day"-Hobi said cheerfully as yoongi blushed more.

"Then let's go to the woods"-Yoongi said as Hobi looked at him surprised

"The woods? Why?"-Hobi asked confused

"There's a secret meadow I like to go to when I don't want to be at home"-Yoongi said dissapearing into a dark alley making hobi slightly jump.

"Hyung where! Huh?"-Hobi looked down at the small black kitten in front of him, he hadn't realized earlier but yoongi's fur was really poofy he knew what type of cat he was but his brain couldn't function the name.

"Hurry up and change into your fox before someone sees us"- Yoongi mewed as hobi hesitated for a moment

"I-I have trouble turning in and out of my fox, it's a birth defect"-Hobi mumbled rubbing his nape nervously

"At least try I don't mind waiting, I think you can do it"-Yoongi mewed clearly encouraging hobi since he nodded nervously

It took hobi about three full minutes to turn into his very big and fox, he would usually change into one faster if he was in a rush or really scared/angry/nervous. Yoongi went further into the dark alley, they left their bags by a couple of trashcans once they got to the end of the alley, there was a empty street that was bacicaly deserted.

"Yoongi hyung? What kind of cat are you?"-Hobi barked/yelped as Yoongi seemed to be thinking for a minute

"Well my dad is a black cat and my mom is a Persian cat so I guess thats why my fur isn't white like most Persian cats"-Yoongi mewed bluntly as hobi's ears raised surprised.

"Hyung! Do you know how easily you could get catnapped, your breed is a really expensive type"- Hobi barked as yoongi simply nodded while they continued walking

"It's not like I haven't been catnapped before when I still a young kitten, some random guy tried to take my mom but I guess he had never seen a black haired Persian before so he took me instead"-Yoongi mewed making it sound like nothing.

"Now that worries me even more"-Hobi whined as he grabbed yoongi by his scruff and put him on his back

"What are you doing?"-Yoongi mewed as he found hobi's fur really comfortable and layed down

"I can't afford you to dissapear from sight, so just tell me where to go and I'll carry you the rest of the way"-Hobi barked as yoongi didn't even bother saying anything he knew he probably wouldn't win this argument anyway.

Yoongi told hobi where to go they kept taking shortcuts through alley's where street cats would sit, they finally made it to the woods as hobi walked in hesitantly, yoongi jumped off his back.

"Don't worry, this is where Namjoons pack stays they won't attack since they know me, and we might even catch a glimpse of Namjoon doing practice hunting, but never come here alone until you meet everyone, they won't hesitate to attack you"-Yoongi mewed as Hobi felt a little both terrified and comfortable and followed him into the woods. [Why does that last part sound sketchy to me?🤔]

"What does Namjoon look like when he's in his regular form?"-Hobi barked as yoongi seemed to be thinking again

"He about the size of a fully grown dog, but he once he's older and fully grown he'll be a lot bigger then he is now and his fur is dark grey but other then that he's still a clumsy guy, but you gotta be careful about how you talk to him around his pack his father is the leader but the guy is really sweet"-Yoongi mewed in a teasingly but serious way

"That's sounds like Namjoom"-Hobi barked as Yoongi nodded

They continued walking until yoongi slipped through some large bushes, hobi following behind him. There was a meadow just like yoongi said, and the grass was really green and tall this was most likely a really good hunting spot for the wolves. Hobi turned back into a person as yoongi noticed and did the same soon after. Hobi sat down and layed on his back, he closed his eye's and was just relaxing with his hands behind his head. Yoongi chuckled and sat next him, he cuddled against hobi making the younger smirk and open his eye's while grabbing yoongi by his waist and pulling him closer. Yoongi blushed and hid his face in Hobi's neck.

"Your to easy hyung"-Hobi chuckled as yoongi groaned and lifted his head, his eye's now meeting hobi's

Yoongi smirked evily before kissing hobi first this time then pulling away, to see a blushing hobi. "Who is the easy one here exactly?"-Yoongi laughed as hobi frowned.

So should I make this part the ending of their back story and go back to the regular? Or continue all the way up to part ten?

[FINSIHED] DOn't fall in love: NAMJINWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt