Chapter 50: Bad Dreams

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It was a Sunday and almost past midnight, Jin and Namjoon were sitting in bed together, Jin was sound asleep cuddling up against Namjoon, he was still awake doing work in his laptop. Jin started shifting in his sleep, his calm facial expression soon turned to scared, then he began mumbling in his sleep. Namjoon was almost finished when be turned to jin and looked at him slightly confused but also worried, Jin had been having bad dreams for about a week now and Namjoon was afraid that he would get sick from the lack of sleep and constantly waking up out of no where. He knew Jin was slightly paranoid since the tracker wolves had came by again twice in the same week and jin was becoming more quietly lately probably because of the dreams who knew what he was dreaming about. Namjoon wrapped his arm around jin and continued typing the last few parts of his work, once he finished he made sure to save it twice then closed his laptop and put it on the ground quietly. He turned the small lamp on the nightstand off and sank into bed pulling Jin closer to his chest, soft whimpers could be heard and Namjoon looked down at jin to see full on tears running down his face, he hated when Jin cried especially if he was asleep and didn't know how to help him, Namjoon quickly whiped his tears away and fell asleep while hugging jin tightly.

*Time skip to morning*

Namjoon had woken up a little earlier and was fixing his work tie. He grabbed his laptop and shoved it into it's little pouch, then kissed jins cheek and walked out, he stood by Yoongi's car for about five minutes until Hobi finally came out, yawning tiredly. He unlocked the car and they got in, Hobi let the car warm up and then took off down the street.

"Hey do you think you have enough time to get some coffee, since we're already like five minutes away from our jobs?"-Hobi asked as Namjoon looked at the time on the raido.

"Uh ya I have about thirty minutes until I have to be there"-Namjoon said as Hobi smiled and parked the car next to small building that read 'Jeon Café'

"Why does that name sound familiar?"-Namjoon mumbled as Hobi shrugged and walked in with Namjoon behind him

The café was nice and warm and of course had the smell of coffee, they walked to the order line where about only three people stood, Namjoon checked the time on his phone he still had about twenty five minutes. There was a cheerful voice as they finally made it to the front of line where jungkook sat smiling gleefully, with a large computer like tablet in front of him.

"Kook-ah!?"-Hobi said both excited and surprised

"Well that explains the name"-Namjoon chuckled as Jungkook looked at them surprised

"Hyungs!"-Jungkook said happily as he reached over the counter and gave them a bear hug.

"Okay! Now what would you guys like?"-He asked

"I'll have iced coffee and he'll get a regular"-Hobi said as Namjoon nodded

"Wow I'm surprised you remembered hyung

"That's because you get the same thing all the time"-Hobi chuckled as Namjoon frowned and fixed his tie.

"Hyung what's with the get up? "-Jungkook asked as Namjoon finished fixing his tie

"It's for work I have an office job"-Namjoon said rufflying his hair as Jungkook looked at him surprised he kinda imagined Namjoon as a guy that can get a job at breaking everything but he never told him that.

"Really! Hyung you didn't lie about your age right?!"-Jungkook whispered as both Hobi and Namjoon laughed.

"Of course not!, I just got lucky"-Namjoon said as another person came in meaning they had to move to the pick up station where they got their drinks only a few minutes after.

Namjoon looked down at his phone time he had about ten minutes to get to work. "Ah sh*t I'm gonna be late, hyung we gotta go"-Namjoon said as they quickly said bye to jungkook and walked out the door with their coffees in their hands

Jin woke up about two hours after Namjoon and headed into the bathroom, he looked in the mirror and noticed that his cheeks were tear stained, he sighed knowing that he was probably worrying Namjoon a lot.

"I cried again? Seokjin get your dreams together, your gonna worry your boyfriend all over again"-Jin sighed to himself as he began to brush his teeth then took a shower.

Jin walked out of the bathroom while drying his hair, he sat on the bed until their was low knock at the door. Jin stood up and walked over to the door. For some reason the doors didn't have peep holes which jin thought was a little dangerous. He opened the door to a really tired looking yoongi, he still had his bed hair, but did have clothes on and not his pajamas.

"Yoongi? What are you doing here?"-Jin asked as he let yoongi inside then closed the door

Yoongi kicked off his shoes then fell on to the bed. "Namjoon called telling me to keep you company over here"-Yoongi mumbled and soon after was snoring quietly.

Jin sighed as he put the covers over yoongi and then sat on the bed. "He's worried again"-Jin mumbled pulling his knees to his chest.

His phone began vibrating a few minutes after. He grabbed it and saw there we're two new messages from an unknown number, jin hesitated but then unlocked his phone

Unknown: Are you alright jin?

Unknown: a whole bunch of tracker wolves are out towards your way

Jin: What? Who are you?

Unknown: It's Jung but keep me as unknown

Jin: Jung! But why? What's going on your scaring me

Unknown: Dad is going with the group, wherever  you are don't come out.


Well that happened......

But any who I decided to go back to the regular story even though the ending for Yoongi and Hoseok's back story SUCKED but ya know that's meant to happen so ya.

[FINSIHED] DOn't fall in love: NAMJINWhere stories live. Discover now