Chapter 3: Friends?

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{ was seriously debating whether I should update or not but here it is}

Namjoon Pov

It was the last class of the day none of my friends were in this class only Jin my first crush. I haven't even talked to the guy yet and already fell for him. Who would not fall for this guy he's the definition of perfect wait I mean no no oh what am I kidding that's exactly what I mean he's absolutely perfect well in my eyes anyway. A few minutes which felt like hours had passed I still didn't notice I was staring until the last bell rang which knocked me out of my thoughts Jin had quickly collected his things and was out the door I quickly got my things and ran out the room to catch up to him I really wanted to get to know him better thinking we could at least be friends he didn't seem to have anyone to hang out with at lunch so why not.

Seokjin Pov

I felt a pare of eyes on me but quickly brushed it off when the bell rang I got my stuff together and quickly headed out the door I wasn't in a rush or anything but I still had to clean up my apartment I lived alone my parents couldn't come with me which was fine with me when I transferred here but I could always go see my parents just chose not to mainly because of my father he didnt accept me being gay but my mother didn't seem to mind "as long as your happy seokjin" she would say to me when I came out to them. I continued walking before someone called out to me.

"hey! Uh Jin wait up a minute"-Namjoon said finally catching up to him trying to regain his breath again
"Hm? Is there something wrong?"-Jin asked confused as he stopped to look at the boy who finally caught his breath he thought he looked adorable like this.
"I was w-wondering if y-you wanted to hang out s-sometime to you know g-get to know each other.
Jin smiled. "Are you asking me to be friends with you or go on a date?"-He asked a little laugh in his voice
Namjoon blushed a little. "Uh? Both?"-The taller boy said with a small smile showing his dimples which made jins heart flutter it was a new feeling to him so he was a bit confused.
"I accept your offer to both then where should we go? "-Jin said as Namjoon's face lit up
"I was thinking the new cafe that just opened a few minutes away from here"-Namjoon said rubbing his nape nervously
"Oh sure thing I've been wanting to try that place for a while"-jin said with a smile which caused namjoons cheeks to turn a light pink
"OK! is Saturday at around 2 good for you?"-Namjoon asked as jin replied with a simple nod.

I've really been debating on if I wanted to continue this story but decided I will because I really like how it's going so far even if a not a people are reading it but whatevs~ this chapter was cute in my opinion.

Baby kookie so precious 🤗

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Baby kookie so precious 🤗

[FINSIHED] DOn't fall in love: NAMJINWhere stories live. Discover now