Chapter 20: Family of Kim Seokjin Part 12

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"Hey g-guys y-yoongi isn't w-waking up!"-Hoseok mumbled clutching the smaller in his arm's tears running down his face as Namjoon placed Jin against the wall softly and ran over to yoongi who seems lifeless.

Namjoon put his head against yoongi's chest and sighed in relief, "His heart is still beating and he's breathing normal, he most likely just gonna be passed out for a while"-Namjoon said turning back to jin who blacked out again.

"Oh thank God, let's hurry and get them home before that other guy wakes up"-Hobi said picking yoongi up bridal style Namjoon doing the same.

They got out the building taking the risk of going through the woods again but safely getting back to the car where hobi had hidden it. They put both of their boyfriends in the back seat heading to motel where they could get some medicine. Jin woke up about half an hour after the whole incident, it was about three or four looking down at Namjoon who had been focused on wrapping jins shoulder. Jin smiled and cupped Namjoons face surprising the younger then giving him a kiss on the lips which Namjoon smiled into.

"You could have told me you were awake hyung"-Namjoo said as finished tying the wrap

"Thanks joonie"-Jin said smiling as namjoon pulled him into a tight hug surprising the older.

"What's the matter joonie?"-Jin asked worried as namjoon hid his face in jins unbruised shoulder

"I'm sorry hyung we should have never left you guys there alone, I'm such a bad boyfriend"-Namjoon mumbled as jin frowned.

"Yah! Kim Namjoon you have no right to call yourself that!"-Jin yelled frowning as Namjoon looked up at him worriedly then realized something .

"Oh wait! what about your stomach, does it still hurt?"-Namjoon asked nervously looking down and jin's covered stomach

"Oh ya I'm fine, there is probably just a small bruise there"-Jin said smiling as Namjoon frowned at him again before lifting his shirt checking for himself.

"That guy is lucky there is no bruise here"-Namjoon said brushing his cold hand over jins pale stomach, then planting a small kiss in the middle of it.

"Uahah! J-joon your hands and lips are cold"-Jin said pulling his shirt back down with a red face looking away.

Namjoon smirked then laughed at him ruffling his hair as if he was a child."Your adorable! When you get embarrassed"-Namjoon said climbing to the side of the bed pulling jin down with him cuddling each other, even if it was still really early.

"I-I wasn't embarrassed and it's to early to go to bed"-Jin said hiding his face Namjoons chest as Namjoon just chuckled.

"You totally we're hyung, and if it's to early then just cuddle with me"-Namjoon said pecking jins lips softly.

"Fine! And don't you dare tickle me either mister"-Jin said pouting slightly, which Namjoon kissed away

"No fair, I can't help it if your even more adorable when you laugh"-Namjoon said pouting this time

"This is your punishment for always tickling me joonie"-Jin said smiling then pecking Namjoons lips.

"Hmmm fine if I can't tickle you then I'll just keep kissing you until you laugh"-Namjoon said smirking then attacking jins lips. Jin kissed back while Namjoon deepened the kiss.

Yoongi was sound asleep or taking a cat nap actually. Hobi had already patched and stitched up the cut in his leg. Hobi just wanted to hug and kiss his baby, he regretted leaving him and Jin by themselves.

"I'm so sorry hyung, I didn't mean for you guys to get hurt"-Hobi mumbled laying down on the bed next to yoongi hugging his waist, before he felt someone playing with his hair.

"Hoseok-ah, you know I don't blame you"-A voice said clearly yoongi's as hoseok looked up seeing his boyfriends smile.

"Y-yoongi hyung? Your awake!"-Hobi said pulling the older into a hug then kissing his cheek.

"I was only taking a cat nap, it's not easy to sleep when your getting your leg stitched up"-Yoongi said throwing his arms around hoseoks neck pulling him down into a kiss.

"You scared me ya know, I thought you weren't gonna wake up"-Hobi said burying his face in yoongi's neck kissing it softly.

"Like I could leave the you behind, you get aroused to easily"-Yoongi said stroking hoseoks hair.

"W-what! I've never-" hobi was cut off by yoongi kissing him deeply.

"I missed kissing you the whole day"-Yoongi said only taking their lips a few inches away

"Me to, but for now you need to rest more and no walking around either! You have small bruises everywhere I made sure I checked every inch of your body"-Hobi said smiling as yoongi slightly glared at him playfully.

"Hoseok-ah....I never had any bruises other then on my back"-Yoongi said glaring at his boyfriend while still cupping his face

"Fine! I got a little aroused and couldn't help my self"-Hoseok mumbled as yoongi pecked his lips.

"At least you were honest so I'll lower the days of your punishment."-Yoongi said grinning

"W-what punishment?"-Hobi asked nervously

"No sex for a month, but I'll allow you to make out with me"-Yoongi said smiling as he lay back down putting his head on hoseoks chest.

Hoseok thought for a minute at what yoongi said "W-what! Hyung! I don't think I can last that long!"-Hobi whined but yoongi had already gone back to sleep.


Lol poor hobi

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