• Chapter 19 •

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{ So maybe or not the previous chapter was *hehe* boring and Imma make it up to you guys to at least create an decent chapter because let's face it *flips hair like in those dramatic hair commercials* I always knew I suck at writing romance darn it

btw guys, since I wear glasses I've just realized my eyes just got a whole hella worse -after getting an eye test because I broke my pair- so I just wanna say that especially with school, I will literally be a good girl and f cking update like a decent author without using too much gadgets because you guys *finger guns* know I'm awful at scheduling my updates without hurting my eyes too much }

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"No, I'm not joking, Owen... Later...? Fine... Whatever!... Bye," said Therese in an annoyed tone with her "bye", and pressed the red end call button without letting the other caller finish their sentence out of stubbornness. With a small huff, she returned to the other three in the theatre area of the orphanage, finishing the tour around Casa-Amorese. (I didn't want to bore you with all the settings, so I'll be introducing them later chapters.)

"So, I believe it's time to meet the orphans." Therese to called their attention as they watch her wrap both of her hands around each other. They all turned to her, nodding, and started walking to the living room area where all the children were gathered. Betty Mae walked alongside Therese, clinging her arm around hers that Therese simply ignored, asking, "If you don't mind us asking, Mr Rickman," she asked while Therese rolled her eyes at 'us;, "but what movie is Mr Cumberbatch producing, exactly?"

Alan looked towards Simon, who shrugged with no reply. "I'm afraid I haven't heard about it as well," he admitted honestly, while noticing Therese not interested in him, "but then, I assume it would be a family movie because of the director requiring about 7 children."

"How many are the orphans exactly?" inquired Simon in curiousness. "They're all 12," replied Therese that Alan seemed a bit surprised to find her replying to Simon but not him. "But don't worry, sir. We'll also be announcing the auditions at theatre schools nearby so there'd be a larger decision."

"And wh-"

They were interrupted as they've arrived in the room they were going to. The doors were wide open in -what must be- the living room, and Therese was swarmed by all the orphans immediately running towards her with open arms. "Auntie-mommy!" many of them shouted to greet her, ignoring who were with her. Some considered hugging Betty Mae as well.

Several children wrapped their arms around Therese as if she were the most fragile object in the world. "It's been days since you've visited us! I thought you said you were only going to be gone for 2 days!" cried a girl who seemed to be the one of the of orphans, second tallest of the girls with long brown hair and bright brown eyes. She looked like she had a twin beside her, who also hugged Therese tightly, but there were more of them that Alan and Simon could not only distinguish by their features, but also with their features.

"Alright! Thank you, darlings, but we have a visitor today," Therese announced that made all of them back away from the hug. They might've only noticed the visitors right now, and all of their faces had different embarrassed smiles. "Good afternoon," Alan greeted them, already expecting his voice to surprise all of the children. "Woah" one of them whispered to the person beside them, but no one was talking.

"Children, what do we say when we have a visitor?" said Betty Mae to grab their attention. The children turned to her, and with a nod of their heads, they all chant: "Good afternoon, misters! Welcome to Casa-Amorese!"

A smile played across the two men's lips once they heard the greeting. Therese watched the orphans with a proud expression, but once her eyes met Alan's, she quickly looked the other way, afraid to figure out what to do next. 'Just for business. He'll leave. Like he did before. No need to be attached, no need to be friends again. He's meaning no harm, stop looking like a beast with fangs!' she thought in her head.

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