• Chapter 10 •

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I, the author myself, won't exaggerate too much... but the problem between Alan and Therese went on for 'countless' of days.

Uncle Jamie was already solid assuming that Amelia Moore was behind this, though waited for the right time to confront her. He once caught Alan and held a tight but painless grip on him in case he'd run off, and had a stern tone in his voice.

"Alan, do not think I see it. Did you fought with my niece?" he asked, his eyebrows knit together. Alan, pale faced, shook his head then spoke: "We haven't. Besides, I need to, um... go, Uncle Jamie. B-Bye..."

Without a choice, he let go of the boy and walked back to his office with a suspicious look.

Meanwhile, Therese was... just silent.

After all, this wasn't the type of problem that should be worried about the world. And so, Therese Wincott remained to be quiet, but even outside did she not often talk. She wasn't very cheery, and sometimes seemed upset. Her smile that was normally there to greet you everyday wasn't always on her face.

Owen Clarke, the boy she went with to the ice cream parlour, never seemed to have lost contact with her. Not that she did not like Owen, but he was just assuming left, right, and center that maybe he replaced Alan, which was clearly not why she was his friend in the first place.

"Well, I thought of probably inviting Alan with us... he's been so busy lately-"

"But isn't he busy with his community theater or whatever? Besides, my other friends says the bloke has a new girlfriend."

Therese looked at him with wide eyes and shook her head. "What? He has a... girlfriend?"

"Yeah. Her name... Williams...? M-something Williams, I guess. Anyways, I don't really know, so don't blame me if I'm wrong, mate."

It felt weird. Now he has a girlfriend? Since when had that happened? Were they literally t h i s far from one another that she hasn't even known he had a crush on someone before? What the bloody h-


I would not end such chapter with no perspective from the man himself.

Alan Rickman.

Boy, was karma treating him badly.

Ever since the day he made that deal with Amelia, he instantly began to regret it.

He just exchanged his best friend with money!

That's the most stupidest thing for anyone to do (well, besides other things, but you know what I mean...)

He couldn't back off now. There was no choice but to avoid Amor Theater AND Therese as well.

Of course, being fair, Amelia immediately gave him the check. The money and the fame he was getting altogether.

But the money and fame did not matter to him now... he lost Therese. And it hurt to think about it.

After all, that waffle-loving girl knew him more than his own mother ever would.

She was one of the people who could comfort him, make him happy, get him to laugh, and understood his stress or problems that it was in the edge where she could've probably be lying with those "it's alright, I get you..."'s.

His Childhood FriendWhere stories live. Discover now