Chapter 10. End.

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Cee's point of view.

The funeral was as if it was any other. A dull and dark day reflected the mood and atmosphere of all who attended. It was a quite funeral. Not a lot of fuss. Which is how I think she would of liked it.

That morning Darui and I had arrived to pay our respects. Of course it was impossible that we could of been allowed anywhere near the Hyuga territory so we watched from a distance. Her coffin was small. Much smaller than I had realised. I supposed I never previously realised indeed how small she really was.

Quite and melancholy sobs and sniffs were heard occurring at random intervals. A woman dressed in all black who I assumed to be her mother followed the coffin first. She looked young enough but the stress and anger had aged her badly. Two small children followed behind. Darui later informed me that the taller of the two girls was in fact Hinata Hyuga. The girl who's kidnapping started this whole war.

A man came up behind the mother and put his hand on her shoulder. She brushed it off screaming.
"You're fault you sent her. You did this to her."
Her howls haunted me. For a woman to lose her husband and child. I couldn't imagine how she must be feeling.

The ceremony was short, just how I think she would of liked it. I don't think she would of wanted people hanging around in the cold waiting for her for too long. I didn't mind. I couldn't feel the cold. It was only deep inside me.

Eventually everyone left. I noticed a young boy similar to our age who had sustained serious damage kneel down and place a rose upon her freshly buried grave. When he left Darui and I moved in.

The tombstone was new and the earth was fresh. Just days before this spot was empty. Waiting. For her.

I bent down to read the stone.
"Here lies Amaya Hyuga."

That was it nothing else. I sighed and stood up. My eyes were watering. My hands shaking.
"Why. Why did you have to do this? You stupid girl you thought you could figure this all out by yourself? You really think.." I let my emotions over power me. I collapsed to the ground and punched the soil. "Why. Why won't you answer me!!" I was getting frustrated. Darui bent down and placed a hand on my shoulder. She wasn't answering me.

"Cee it's time for us to go. We don't want to cause a scene." But I didn't reply. Darui stood back up and looked around. "It's a nice place here." He said. I stood up wiping my eyes. "You're wrong." I sniffed. "I hate it here. Surrounded by these Konoha dogs. You see what they did to her? Look at her down there. She must be so afraid. So alone. We can't leave we need to keep her company."

Darui led me away. I couldn't look back. I couldn't believe it. I was being torn between emotions, frustration, angry, regret, hate. The list was endless."

As we reached the village gates I looked back one last time.
"So long, Mei. I hope that in another life, I will keep you safe." And with that I set off with Darui back home but without a family.

Authors Note: Well there we have it! What did you all think of the ending? Love to hear feedback from you all! And please go check out DeidarasHandss ❤️

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