Chapter 4. Setting Out.

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After the lecture Hiashi gave me I was told to go home get changed, learn off my new profile and meet at the Konoha gates at sundown, ready to set out.
Knowing that this mission would take a while I felt pressured to say goodbye to everyone. This was a top secret mission known only to the Hyūga clan and the higher ups of Konoha, so I couldn't make it too obvious I was departing soon.

I decided to quickly stop by at the hospital to explain to Tokuma that I wouldn't be around for a while. When I got there I was shown to his room. His condition hadn't improved much but you could tell by his eyes that he was doing better.
"Hey look who stopped by!" He called as I walked in. "Second time this week eh? Can't seem to get enough of me. Sit down, what's new?"
"Oh um I'm only here for a minute. I need to talk to you."
"Oh." His face dropped. "What is it? Are you ok?" He asked seriously.
"Oh no haha I'm grand." I awkwardly laughed, trying not to engage in too much conversation. Ever since the kiss and the confession I've felt really awkward around Tokuma.
"I'm just heading out on a mission tonight and I won't be back for a while."
Tokuma's face turned into disappointment. " long will you be gone for?"
"Ooooohh I don't know." I said honestly but it came out more sarcastic then I meant it too. "It's a pretty important mission, I'm not aloud to go into too much detail."
"Well can you give me an address? I'd love to write to you. Every week if I can." He offered, taking out a piece of paper and quickly scribbling down an address. "Here." He said handing the piece of paper to me. I took it and thanked him, explaining how I didn't know where I was staying yet and if I'd even be aloud to write a letter. After him making me swear to write a letter once I got there safely I left the hospital.


It was a dull afternoon as I sat on my bed reading over my new profile and drilling everything in. I had a pretty boring life. Farming, cooking, painting and reading was pretty much all I could do. A little inaccurate as I actually can't paint. My 'father's' name was Itsuki, my mother died soon after my younger 'brother' Koji, was born, who is now twelve. I had no other relatives. I was to be working in a restaurant as the newest chef. Oh god I've already failed. My cooking skill was pretty good. I wasn't sure it was restaurant good though.

I looked through the clothes I was given. They were...well quite plain and out of fashion.  Some old kimonos in green, blue and red with a simple white bow for tying at the back, plain black sandals and a green hair piece in the shape of a flower given to me by my 'mother'. All together my new life wasn't that interesting. A small grey box caught my eye. I opened it to find loads of Kumo Money. Great. Ill have to use this wisely though I guess, I don't think I'll be sent weekly supplies of it. I laid out the green kimono on my bed and went downstairs to eat. I hadn't seen my mother all day. She didn't seem to be at home.
After stuffing myself full of chicken noodle soup and bread I went to change into my new life.
The kimono wasn't a bad fit. It was longer then what I was used to, but it was very comfy. I practiced putting in my contact lenses. It was sore at first, I kept poking my eyeball which led to a lot of unwanted tears but after some practise I finally managed to get them in. I went to the bathroom to cover up my branch mark. Lastly I placed the small hair ornament on the left side of my head. I packed my bag which surprisingly wasn't that heavy and I was ready to go.

I went downstairs and grabbed a pen and paper off the kitchen counter. I scribbled down a goodbye note to my mother, which assured her I would stay safe and be home before she knew it. I folded it carefully and put it on the table where I knew she would see it when she would return home. Lastly I said goodbye to my dad. I asked him to help me and give me strength for this mission and to always watch over me. I put on my new shoes and left for the Konoha Gates.

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