Chapter 9. Kumo vs Konoha.

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"What??" I yelled sitting upright.  It had been nearly three days since I was admitted into hospital. Tokuma was sitting at my beside. He looked much better than when I had last seen him.
"The elders found out about you revealing yourself to a Kumo shinobi. They aren't happy." He said looking at me, his eyes were worried.

"Amaya..."he sighed. "They want to remove you as a shinobi and charge you with revealing yourself to the enemy and failing your mission." He took my hand. It was soft and warm but was lacking in something.
"Don't worry this won't change anything between us. I'm well enough now to carry out small missions. I can save us up some money. We can get a loan and get a house together." He said trying to convince me but I shook my head.

"I'm a failure." I said breathlessly. I wasn't shocked about being removed as a shinobi, in fact I wasn't even that upset about it. I was more angry at myself. I betrayed them, my friends in Kumo.

No no. I shook my head. How could you betray the enemy, it was Konoha you betrayed. But I lied to them, to him.

"Snap out of it Amaya." I spat, angry at myself. Tokuma looked taken back.
"Thats not all." He said. "I'm not sure if I should tell you though. Not in the state you're in."

"Tokuma nothing could make this any better. Just tell me."
"Well it has nothing to do with you directly, but I overheard Hiashi and the elders. They're sending an elite squad out tomorrow night to ambush some Kumo shinobi at Tadaki Bridge. It is believed from other intel and your own accounts that they are planning the kidnapping of a Hyuga. Can you believe it?"

I sighed and lay back on my pillow fighting back the tears. It took me a moment to register what Tokuma had actually said. I sat upright again.

"Did you say Tadaki Bridge?"
"Yeh that one located in Takigakure. "
The name rang alarm bells in my head. Didn't Darui briefly mention a mission that him and Cee were preparing for?

I bolted upright. "Tokuma grab me my kimono." I demanded. A terrible feeling stormed into my gut. He did so, confused. I pulled the white partitioning curtain across and quickly changed. If I left now maybe I would make it in time to warn stop the attack. I pulled open a window.
"I'll just wait here while you're getting changed I guess." Said Tokuma.

"Tokuma. Thanks for everything." I said from behind the curtain and jumped out. I landed with s this on the soft grass below. Standing up
I headed towards the gates. I still wasn't fully healed and I hadn't eaten properly in days. My body was weak and numb except for my heart. With every step the beating grew more violent and loud.

I didn't care if I was made a rouge shinobi after this. I didn't care that I was running away. I had to protect the people I loved. Regardless of village.


Day morphed into night and night gave way to day. I had barely rested and it was impacting me greatly. The shinobi from Konoha were probably on their way. They were much faster, much stronger than me. I pushed myself to keep going.

I wanted to protect him. To warn him. To hold him and tell him it would all be ok.

My legs kept running until I reached a small market town. Panting and out of breath I ran up to a small stall. It was selling dumplings. The scene almost made me faint with hunger.

"Excuse me." I gasped. "Can you tell me the way to Tadashi bridge? And hurry!" I cried. I was bent over resting my arms on my legs. Sweat dripped down onto the dry ground but was quickly evaporated by the shining sun.

"Woah girl I don't think you should be walking. You're a right state! Here have some water-" The man at the stall began.
"Never mind that!" I yelled. "Just tell me how far away."
"Well it's about an hour and a half away from here-"
I didn't have time to thank him. I legged it in the direction he had pointed in.

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