Ch:2 Tokumas mission.

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It was a bright morning   different from the ones we've been having lately. I lay in bed  listening  to the birds singing outside my window as the sunshine hit my  face.

I got up out of bed and   had a warm shower. I seriously hated the cold I couldn't understand  how  anyone could possible live with it. After drying off and having a  light  breakfast I set off towards the Hyūga mansion.  I had promised  Hinata  that I would train with her today.

As I approached the   house I saw Hiashi talking to one of the elders. I was a tiny bit   curious to find out what they were talking about, maybe it was to do   with Tokuma's mission. I quickly glanced around looking for a place to   hide. I spied some shrubs nearby and leaped into them with a faint   rustling noise.

"It simply won't do."   The elder was saying. "The girl's not capable of running a clan. She's   much too kind and shy and lacks dramatically in leadership skills."

"I know, that's why I've been training her younger sister instead." Hiashi assured.

Oh they were talking   about Hinata. A small frown made its way over my face. I felt sorry for   her. She was brought up with so much pressure from her clan and has   tried to hard so please them but still nothing was enough.

I wanted to help her  but  my skills are ... Well terrible. The elder and Hiashi had begun  walking  forwards into one of the rooms. I stood up and shock some off  the  leaves that had stuck to me.

"What are you doing in a bush?" 

I turned to see Hanabi   beside an open door near to where I was. "Oh...erm I was playing.. Hide   n' seek." The unconvincing words spilled out from my mouth. Even  though  she was only a child she sorta scared me sometimes. She would  just pop  up in the most  random of places and question you on what you  were  doing. "With whom?" She asked, her facial expression remaining the  same. 

"Ehh..." I was lost for words. How could I have been cornered by this.

Hanabi's eyes looked deep into mine staring me down.

"Amaya! Over here!" An   angelic voice called out to me. Hinata was standing in the courtyard   ready for some sparring exercises. "Well see ya Hanabi." I said with a   small bow and rushed over to where Hinata was.


We sparred for a good   few hours. Hinata practising gentle fist against me. I didn't mind that   she used me as well....a target but this was all to help her improve.   Later her mother brought out some herbal tea for us. We sat on the side   of the courtyard together and began to catch up on each other's news.

Hinata said she was   doing well at the academy and she enjoyed it. I asked her about that  boy  she likes, I think his name was along the lines of Naruto? I  forgot  these sorta things. Her face turned bright red and she held her  hands to  her face and small squeaks like a mouse came out of her mouth.  I  laughed. She was so cute.

"Amaya, is there anyone   you like?" She asked once her face had calmed down and she could speak   again. "Ehhhh... What makes you say that?" I quizzed her. "Oh's just you spent a lot of time with Tokuma I just   though....I'm sorry if I offended you." She said obviously embarrassed   by her words. "No no don't worry haha no Tokuma and I are friends   there's Nothing going on between us."

Man why does everyone think this?

We went back to  sparring  for a few more hours until it was time for Hinata's dinner. I  thanked  my aunt for the tea and headed off home.

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