Chapter 3. Mission Impossible.

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I was quickly rushed into the meeting room in the Hyūga mansion. Followed by my hysterical Mother.
I was told to take a seat and Hiashi starting looking through some pieces of paper. There was a dead silence apart from my Mother's sniffling to the right of me. After a couple of long minutes Hiashi looked up at me. His violet eyes fixed right at me. It was a bit intimidating.

"I've gone through your records." He said picking up a sheet in front of him.
"Well... I'm not sure you're able for this mission. Your record is by far one of the worse in the history of the Hyūga and it says your quite...forgetful, even forgetting to turn up for assigned missions, what makes you think you're capable of infiltrating Kumo? The death risk on this mission is very high." He asked his eyes turned from the paper in his hand back to me.

"I....-" I started.
"No please Lord Hiashi she's my only daughter I already lost my husband I can't lose her too. Please, please understand." My Mother begged kneeling down in front of Hiashi.

I admit I felt guilty. My mother who had always gone out of her way to make sure I was happy, was about to say goodbye to her daughter who mightn't ever return.

"Please give me this chance to stop the feud and bring peace to both villages. I may not be blessed with great skill and talent but when I put my heart into something I stick with it and carry it through till the end. I will-" but again I was cut off.

"I'll give it two days and if no one else who is more capable of achieving the goal volunteers, then I'll have to consider you." Hiashi said. His voice sounded serious. I gulped. Me and my Mother excused ourselves from the room and walked home in bitter silence. I could tell she was mad and frustrated.

The next day wasn't any better. I got up early to make my Mothers' favourite breakfast, pancakes with an extra helping of whipped cream. We ate in silence. Her eyes were red and sore looking. I tried to speak but nothing came out, but melancholy sighs.
Eventually she looked me in the eye. Her pale violet eyes looking directly at me.
"I want you to turn down this mission. It's too dangerous and you're not capable." She said.
"I know I'm not the best choice but I can do this!" I protested.
"No if you don't step down soon I'll do it for you. I'm giving you till tomorrow to speak with Hiashi." She said, raising her voice at me.
"Or what?" I asked, tears building up in the corner of my eyes.
She gave me a stern look, got up and turned to face the door. "I'll ask the Hokage to remove you as a ninja." She said, her voice ice cold.
"WHAT? You can't do that!" I cried but the door had already been shut in my face leaving me alone in the kitchen.


'There's no way she would do that.' I repeated to myself, hoping the more I said it the truer it would be. I was on my way to visit Tokuma in hospital. It was something I was contemplating all day. If I didn't visit him that would make me the worst friend ever, but if I did people would definitely believe there was something between us.
I passed by a cute little flower shop called 'Yamanaka Flowers' I called in. It would be rude to show up to the hospital without some sort of 'get well gift.' I picked up some small red poppies that caught my eye and handed them over to a young girl with blonde hair standing at the till.
"Ooh.. Anyone special?" She beamed from across the counter.
"No just a friend who was injured." I replied bluntly.
"A boy-friend?" She giggled handing me the bouquet.
"Absolutely not!" I barked, maybe a bit too loud as the young girl was taken back a bit. After a moment of silence she smiled and said "Of course not." Which led to me storming out of the shop and throwing the poppies on the ground.
God when did kids become to nosy?


Delighted was not the word to describe the look on Tokuma's face when I entered the room, the poppies now hanging lifeless by my side. His face was the happiest I had ever seen him. "I was wondering when you'd come and visit me." He said sheepishly with a smile, his eyes closed. I was about to slag him off about the look on his face before I took a better look at him. He was wearing a pale blue hospital gown and his head was covered with bandages. Most of his skin on display was a deep dark purple. I felt sick. Most of his bandages had fresh blood stains and he was connecting to a drip that hung beside his bed.

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