Good Deeds

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"Why is it necessary?" Ira groaned.

"Because, I'm saying so." Meera said without glancing towards.

"Done." Riddhima said and had the two packed dresses.

"But I don't want to do it. That's mine and I'm not giving that up!" Ira threw her hands in the air.

"Ma'am." There was knock on the door before Ira could answer. "Your guest is here."

"Okay, thank you. Ira, Riddhima come with me." She asked.

"You go ahead, I'll stay here. I umm..  Need to make some calls." Riddhima excused herself.


"No! You can't force two things on me on a single day!"

She sighed "We cannot run from our past forever, we need to make peace with it and this is our first step. We can't stay away from our family."

" And this dress? It's my mother's." Ira said, emphasizing on each and every word.

"She will be, soon, and this dress is for a greater purpose."

"And the location? What about that?"

"I'm not understanding one thing here. You hated all these things, now why are you sticking to them."

"Because, I changed and lot many things changed!"

"And yours feelings about her didn't?"


Meera sighed again. "Fine, do you have any better option. If yes, tell me. If no then trust me as you always did."

Ira kept quite for a moment "Fine, I'll do it." She said and Meera hugged her.

"A bit happy gesture would be appreciable." Meera said.

"Eeeee." Ira show cased all her teeth as a creepy smile and moved downstairs, where as Meera sighed and followed her.

"Hello Tia, George." Meera nodded towards both of them as soon as she saw them.

Tia was breathing heavily and was scared till death, even though her husband had his protective hand on her shoulder she had cold feet.
On the other hand, Ira was glaring angrily towards Tia.

"You must be Gorge Mathew. I saw your wedding pictures. They are amazing, congratulations. I'm Meera Kapoor btw, and this is my sister Ira." She moved forward and offered her hand as a gesture of truce.

He took her hand with a moments hesitation. "Thank you. Congratulations to you too. It's nice to meet you both." He shifted his eyes between Ira and Meera.

As she noticed their worry, she turned towards her sister. "Ira, come greet them."

Ira took a step forward "Congrats." She said in a cold voice.

"I apologize for my manners. Would you like something? Please have a seat." Meera smiled politely.

"No, thank you we are good." George smiled.

Suddenly Tia leaped forward and embraced the sisters in her arms, and started crying out loud. "I'm so sorry. I know what I did can't be rectified but there was not even a single day that I didn't curse myself for my mistakes. Please believe me when I say this. I was not in my senses. I missed you both very much, I'm sorry happened between my brothers and you both. I--"

"Shh.." Meera touched her head, now facing each other. "We understand now. Let's not talk about it anymore and move forward. Shall we?"

"Do you--- forgive me?" She sobbed.

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