Second Chance

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"You are not Meera!" Natasha glared furiously towards her captive.

"As I said, you got the wrong twin. My sister would probably be in bed by now making sweet love to your sweet Vivaan now. " Ira smirked and secretively tried to free her hands, as they were tied behind her.

Natasha angrily turned and slapped the who man who kidnapped the wrong girl.

"I'm sorry ma'am." He shivered and cornered himself.

"You bitch! Why do you get lucky all the time?" Natasha yelled on her shivering in anger.

"Lucky? That's the last thing our family would be called."

"Ahhh!" She shouted and started destructing the room, throwing things here are there.

"FYI, You won't accomplish anything by doing that. I wont change to Meera magically." Ira called and she angrily glared towards her.

"I'll kill you! That will accomplish something right? Both of you are chickens. Who run away like a little girl in problem."

"First, we have fought many cases lately. So after you are done killing me, do you think my family will spare you? And Second, you assume a lot. Stop confusing me with my sister. I know you are yet again a rejected piece of shit bu--"

"Stop!" She yelled and grabbed Ira's throat, almost choking her.

"Wr--on--g move." Ira said and punched her face, wounding her nose.

"How did you--- you ruined my face!" She yelled and pounced on Ira again, who caught her arm and twisted it badly. She cried in pain and fell on her knees.

"You! Little boy!" Ira turned towards the man. "Call my sister, and ask her to send a ride for me. NOW!" she threatened him and he immediately started taping the screen.

Withing 20 mins, the small party that is Meera, Samar and Vivaan arrived followed by the police.

"Ira!" Meera gasped.

"Oh hey! Want some?" Ira was comfortably sitting on the bed with Natasha tied at the corner still bleeding. The little man stood there where he was and wet his pants by now.

Samar ran and hugged Ira tightly. "Are you okay?" He breathed.

"Prefect. Kiara?" She smiled.

"Riddhima and company, back home. Safe."

"What happened? What are you doing here Natasha?" Vivaan frowned.

She rolled her eyes and Ira explained. "Well, she thought I'm Meera so she kidnapped me and tried to kill me. Twice dumped, pretty upset. I can understand, oh wait! I can't... sorry." she smirked and Natasha growled.

"Who is this guy?" Meera turned towards the man.

"He is a poor homeless man. Natasha asked him to spike my drink that is your drink and kidnap Meera."

That man ran and dropped himself in their feet. "I'm sorry. My mother is in the hospital, I need money for her treatment. She promised me that. I'm sorry." he cried.

Samar got up and asked the man to stand up." I'm a doctor myself. I'll make sure, nothing happens to your mother. We'll take care of her." He smiled.

"Natasha." Meera sat in front of her. "This was my last straw, you have crossed your limits." She said and got up. "Take her, press deadliest charges against her. Let's give her ample of time to lick her own wounds in jail." She said in authority and Natasha was arrested.

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