Katherine Kapoor

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"Aaahhh!!!" Samar angrily entered his room and started destroying his own room.

"Ahhhh...!!!" He yelled again and sat down on his knees. This time anger turned in grief and came out in form of tears.

"Samar." Vivaan ran towards his brother and hugged him. "Samar, everything is going to be okay. "

"Nothing is going to be okay. Leave me alone." he pushed him away.

"Samar you have to tell us, what's happening with you."

"You want to know what's happening with me? Okay listen then. All my life I felt like a complete loser. An adopted child, who was a boring nerd. I was broken that's why I engrossed my self in my research and studies. I was doing okay, I was fine. But then I met Ira. She was different, she believed that I'm capable of finding love. And I did. I loved her, and she loved me. All these years, all that pain and humiliation settled when I found out that the love of my life loves me back, and then what happens? I lost her, then I found her and then lost her again! I have lost everything, all over fucking again! It's ruined. Everything is over." He yelled and punched the mirror, shattering it in pieces.

His brother was full of guilt. He was so busy in licking his own wounds that he never realized that his little brother is rotting inside out.
He wanted to ask that what went wrong, why did he push her away. But for the first time he was out of words.

"She is pregnant. Veronica is pregnant with my child." Samar breathed.


"How.. Why? I need answers." Meera shivered angrily.

The king, the queen and her father didn't have any answer to her question.

"Meera you need to calm down." Anamika took a step towards.

"No! Veronica have successfully ruined my sister's life once again! How can you expect me to calm down?"

The king sighed and pulled a file from his drawers. "Here." He gave the same to Meera.

She immediately took the file and scanned it carefully.
It was Veronica's medical reports. DNA test reports and every other possible report that proves that she is pregnant and Samar is the father.

"I don't believe it!" She said with tears in her eyes.

"Meera--" Her father moved forward but she turned and ran away from the room.

"Let her go Karan. She needs time." Edmund said and the room was once again full of silence.

She continued running untill she reached Ira's room.
"Ira!" She called but there was no response. Fear seized Meera. "Ira!" she called again and started searching her room.

"Ira.. " She whispered when she saw a folded note on her dressing table.

'Dearest Meera,
I know it's not the way you expect me to start my letter with, but yeah nothing is same anymore anyway.
As always I'm going but this time no short notes, no cryptic messages because I want you to find me this time. I want to be your maid of honor, I want to meet the little one. I don't know why I feel this stupid pain in my heart but I want to see Samar and Veronica's wedding. Trust me, no change of heart towards the bitch but Samar... I don't have my memories back and now I guess I don't need them either, because I feel in love with him all over again. As you know that's pointless.
Anyway, coming back to why I'm writing this detailed letter.
Meera Kapoor, is that badass bitch who knows how to get her work done. No matter what it takes.
I don't what's happening but I want your help and I want you to find the truth and oh, I swear to god if there is even a single particle of lie in the stories they made. I'll burn them all. I mean it, I'm done with this fucked up family.
You are my only family now, and I'm trusting you know.
Get it done.
I'll wait for you.

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