Wedding Dates

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"December 31" For the final time Meera repeated the date mentioned in the newspaper.

"That's it." She breathed and immediately called Riddhima.

"Hey Meera? What's up?" she answered after two rings.

"I want to get married this year."



"Meera we are yet to prepare and it's--"

"I want it, and that's final."

"Try to understand Meera. It's October already--"

"Riddhima Singhania can you do it or not?"

She took a heavy breathe. "Can I ask why?"


"Okay okay. Any specific date you have in your mind?"

"As early as possible."

"Okay. I'll start the preparations, then." Riddhima said and ended the call.

"Carol, please come in?" Meera called in for her assistant.

"Yes Meera?" Carol was there within a minute.

"Leak the news in the media about my wedding this year with Vikranth."

"What? Are you sure?" Carol was stunned.

"No questions asked please. Cancel all my meetings today. I'm going home." She said and rushed out of her office.


He parked his car in front of the main door.
'No security?' He thought and stepped inside the house.

"Yes? who are you? May I help you?" One of the maids approached.

"I'm Ali Sultan and this is my client Prince Samar. We are here for Kiara."

With wide eyes she asked "Kiara? Why?"

"Because my client here is her father." Ali announced.

The maid was stunned and couldn't reply.

"Where is she?" Samar asked in a threatening tone.

The maid was still shivering, and just pointed towards the main door.

Without responding Samar ran outside, as he knew where they are.

He could hear the waterfall now and could smell her scent.

The moment he reached he dropped on his knees when he saw his daughter and their eyes met.
"Beautiful." He breathed and She smiled.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ira turned and jumped on her feet.

"I'm here to meet my daughter." He said still looking towards Kiara.

"She is mine not yours. Security!"

"Calm down. I'm just to meet her. Well for now." He smirked.

"What the fuck are you talking about?  You are no way coming anywhere near us. Don't forget the order." She said in a threatening tone and took a step backward.

Samar moved his head. "Ali, please explain."

"Good morning Ma'am, I'm Prince Samar's lawyer. As a husband and father of your child, he has filed a case against you for the custody of Baby Kiara and for keeping the father in dark about his daughter. As you are the mother and she is still an infant you have permission to take care of her but on certain conditions."

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