She stood silent, with her head averted, this rose anger in me. There is limit of patience but she has crossed it now. Astagfirullah. 

"Just answer me damn it" I screeched

"Because I don't want to be with you, I hate your presnce , did you get that? I want freedom from this relation. This relation is like a cage to me, I just hate being around you" She shouted, with tears in her eyes, I was taken back at her sudden flow of emotions. "She thinks..this relation to be a cage?"

"But..But where did I go wrong" I cupped her face and asked in pure calm voice. The fear of losing her started to erupt inside me. "I can't lose"

"No where! But I..." She gazed at me and stopped talking, our eyes were telling a whole different story.

"You What?" I rubbed my thumb on her cheek to which she closed her eyes.

"I don't want to be with you" I was startled

"But why??" I clenched my teeth

"I hate you" This statement broke my heart into million pieces, she is lying.

"And I want to end this relation, I hate it when you touch me like this" She pushed me away "I hate it when you are around me, this relation suffocates me, I can't stand it anymore". I went near her, she started breathing uneven, I put my both hands at her waist, and pulled her towards me such that our cheeks were touching.

"You hate it when I touch you like this" I started to touch her neck with my hand, and tightened grip by her waist, we were in intense position by now. "Tell me" I started rubbing my cheek with hers. "My touch affects you right". I had my eyes closed.

" doe...doesn't" She stammered. I confronted her, such that our nose were touching, our eyes met. She pushed me away with force.

"I don't want...." Before she could complete, the anger rose in me and I cut her off

"I love you damn it" She looked startled "I love you, why don't you get it" I shouted.

"You..You what?" She asked me in calm voice, I went near her and again held her by waist.

"I love you" The tears started to brim in her eyes. I couldn't take it anymore so I crushed her lips with mine, to which she responded. Her hands travelled back to my hairs, my hands to her waist. The kiss was intense and I was losing myself in it when suddenly she pushed herself away. I felt worthless.

"You don't love me" She shouted, I was still in shock with her action.

"This is not called love, the feeling you have for me is not love but LUST" She screeched, I felt as if my chest was burning. She compared my love with that lust!!!! I was about to say something but she cut me off

"you just want me to fullfill your desires, that you have as a husband! you can never love me! Moreover I can never love you, NEVER!" I was broken now, I was angry, I was frustrated, I was anguished for what she thought of me.

"Why can you never love me?" I shot a death glare, holding her wrist firmly.

"Because I love someone else" , The situation should have made me believe this typical lie but heart made me laugh at it.

"You" I pointed her "Love someone?" She was confused "Oh please! Mrs Shuja Asif, I know you more than you know yourself"

"I don't owe you any explaination, let me go" She said it in frustration which increased my anger.

"I am your husband, for Allah's sake! Stop behaving like this" I shoutef.

"But I don't accept you as my husband" She tried to go away but my grip was way more firm.

"What do you want?" I have had enough with her now.

"Freedom from this relation. I want DIVORCE" This ultimately broke me.

"But I love you" I said with numb voice.

"It's lust, you lust for me, you just want to spend a night with me that's it, you don't love me, you just want to use me for your desires, you lu...." I couldn't take it anymore so I raised my hand, to which she looked at me with shock. I got my senses so I took my hand back, I didn't hurt her.

"If you think of me like this, and you think that all I love is your damnnn Body then I feel bad for myself, I shouldn't have loved a girl like you" Tears welled up in my eyes but my hurt supressed it "If you want this, then fine I WILL DIVORCE YOU" I was hurt, hurt that she doesn't loves me, hurt that she compared purity of my love to that impurity of lust. Before I had a break down. I went from there, I left home.

"I hate you Miss Zara Haider, I hate you"


Thank you for votes and comments.

Now what? Oh No, they both just did that? Broke their relation 😲😲. This is not done. Now who needs to apologize whom?? should zara apologize shuja or should shuja apologize zara?? I guess this time Zara isn't fair, comparing love to lust is something absurd. 😞 Shuja is hurt, he needs healing, who'll help him?

Anyways #20 in Spiritual. How Cool! Thank you 😘😘😘😘

Asslam O Alaikum

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