Before we could think of stuff to do the door bell rang and It was the rest of the girls so I told them to head upstairs and hmm the boys never did answer me.

Since me and zayn didnt have anything to do we decided to play a fun game of poker.

Lets start shall we Zayn?


(Zayn) "Dude! You took like 100 dollars from me!"

No I did not as I reply.

He gave one of those dude glared looks and I just had to laugh!


He was confused now but I let it go and decided that Im going to fall asleep since I am tired.

Good Night Mate!

End Of Harrys Side Now Back To Zayns!

Since Harry wanted to randomly laugh at me then fall asleep Ill just go and see what the girls are doing.

I quietly went up the stairs, kinda like one of those ninja moments and peeked through the guest room since thats where there at and with just my luck they had gone asleep. Its only 11:34 .. Why is everyone asleep?

And for me im not sleepy, might as well contact the fans!

I go on twitter and started tweeting.

Hey! What cha guys up to?

After That I tweeted FOLLOW SPREE!

Rt me & ill follow you!

When I sent those two tweets my mentions went crazy so thats when I started contacting the fans.

- Hours later, more like 2 hours later -

It was now 1:37 and I was really tired so I tweeted good night, clicked off of twitter, put my phone down and drifted off to sleep.



Harrys Side Again!

As I wake up I go upstairs to go to the bathroom and when im done I see jade walking back downstairs so I might as well have a little fun by scaring her.


I saw her gasp and put her hand over her heart meaning I scared her.


I laughed because it was so funny but she volunteered her self in and so it was a okay!

Sorry Love!

She then asked me if I was up to watch tv with her and Of course I was!

Of course I am! Lets go!

When we got downstairs we put on full house and while we were watching it we both fell asleep but then a little bit later maybe an hour or two I woke up and jade was still sleeping so I let her lay down and continously watched full house since it was a marathon.

Aww there so cute! I hear a voice say and to my guess it was perrie and zayn! Of course.

Why wouldnt it be?

After that happened Jade had woken up and both Zayn & Perrie Left.

"Did I fall asleep again!"

Yes you did Jade.

"Oh" is what she replys with.

Zayn Had told us that he rented out Ihop so we were heading there since all girls and two of us boys are up.

I greeted everyone good morning and they returned it, we were ready to go but Jade had to use the bathroom so we were waiting.

A few moments later she was out and we were heading to Ihop.

- At Ihop -

As we got out zayn went inside to check everything out and it was alright so we headed in.

We got our seats and ordered and chit chatted about tour.

When our food came, we started eating.

I called for a game of hide and seek and every one else agreed.

As soon as we were done, I grabbed this cloth thingy and put it on zayns head.

The game is on.

We scattered everywhere, and hid.

I hid by this kitchen area, it had a good hiding place and I saw jade look around trying to find somewhere to hide so I called out for her and she came and hid with me.

It was about two minutes when Zayn walked past us and didnt See us so we stood still and all of a sudden I see jade looking at me for some strange reason.

Jade? Why are you looking at me?

Oh for no reason as she says.

I let it go and looked around to see if zayn found anyone and he had not.

I tried moving a little when I elbow Bumped Jade and she screached.


AHHHA! I found you at last!

Zayn Found Us!




CUTTING IT SHORT HERE! Part two coming Up!

If you didnt look at the last chapter of little mix and one direction then please look at it (: I updated it!

_Camille98_ I Saw Your Comment!(: Thanks For the lovely Comment(: And Aha Yay! By this time its probably updated when your reading c: & Yes it is! It is c:

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Ps.. i told you I would update (:

All Together In One!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora