Writing prompts 9: assorted candies

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When the global monarchy starts to fail because the prince(ss) hasn't found a spouse, they hold a random draw for all people legal age, from every country. Then those names are put into a worldwide draw. Whoever's name gets drawn at the end becomes the next King or Queen and marry the prince(ss). What happens when you get drawn?

You one day realize that nobody else on earth has thoughts or feelings. It's like someone replaced them with robots. Your spouse doesn't actually love you. Your siblings can't care about you. You soon discover that they can learn feelings, but only if you spark something in them by doing something insane.

Go to Google maps, write in a random town and pick a random building (Not a house of any sort). You now live in this building. What's your life like? What do you like about it? What do you hate about it?

You've inherited an orphanage. Good luck at your new job.

Mother nature needs a new defender. Someone to fight for her. She chooses you as the protection, and then promptly sends you to go fight a horde of angry lumberjacks.

Write the story of the first family to live on a cloud.

You are the start of the zombie apocalypse, so the zombies refuse to harm you. You're their new monarch. Good luck.

Aliens and humans both discover a new planet at the same time with creatures already living on it. Write the story of the interspecies custody battle.

You have always had terrible nightmares. In a particularly evil and horrid one, you end up killing someone. When you wake up, you discover that the same person from your dream has been murdered in the same fashion you killed them in your dream, but in reality. This becomes a regular occurrence, no matter how you try to stop it. You become the world's deadliest serial killer.

Everybody has habits. Yours was something you thought was normal, that everyone did. You thought that until you got arrested and put of trial with the world's most evil criminals for this habit. What have you done?

Everybody starts their life off with full colour. Everything is bright and beautiful, vibrant and good. That is, until grief or sorrow happens. The world quickly looses it's colour once you've sufferered loss. You've lived a good life, and now you're on your deathbed. You somehow kept a tint of colour in this world. Well, until your three year old grandson asks why he can only see things in black and white.

You and your spouse work as spies/government agents. You've seen how corrupt this world is, and you know exactly which politicians are causing it. You both make it your #1 goal to raise the greatest assassin ever to take out the evil leaders.

In a world where monsters rule over the earth and humans are forced into hiding, you were kidnapped from a monster under your crib as a baby. The monsters, however, felt bad and raised you as a pet. Now, thirty years later, the humans have rescued you again and are trying to recruit you in their mission to take back the earth and exterminate the monsters for good.

When humans are children, there comes a point in their young lives where they experience a sensation like waking up for the first time. That's where their memories start, typically around the age of 5. You however, just woke up. The people around you are quick to inform you that you're 23, in a little forgotten town in the middle of nowhere, and you're on the 'Most Wanted' list on the run from the FBI.

You and your soulmate are about to go on a date for the first time when they ask you to do something illegal to prove your love for them. You only get one soulmate in life, and you have an unbreakable bond. If you get caught doing this task, you will be shot and your sweetheart will break down emotionally and mentally, until they die of heartbreak. Go through with this task though, and you will be their hero. The person they love more than life itself. Do you take the risk?

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