writing prompts: 2

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(Note: I'm using You're in place of your character to clarify)

A world where the hospital bracelets they put on babies are receipts. If you don't like yours, you can exchange it for a new one or for cash. 

You're a cat owned by a crazy cat lady. What happens when she gets arrested? What happens to you?

You are a teacher of kids who have some of the worst reputations on earth. What are they really like?

You're a cop. Whats the worst thing you've ever experienced while on the job?

You fell asleep on the bus at the exact same time as about ten others. When you awake you are in the middle of no where with just a box of limited supplies and a note telling you to start a new village/town/city from scratch. 

You're a scientist working on criminals, given the project to grow them a pair of wings. the situation becomes urgent. why? what happened?

Part one of this thread: You work for the government, spying on people through their electronics. whats the sweetest thing you've found? whats the most horrendous thing you've seen.

Part two of this thread: You still work for the government, and you're addicted to watching this one girl who talks to her computer like it's a person. You fall in love and desperately try to find her in real life. 

You were unwillingly nominated to be the ruler of the country, with no legal way to step down from power. When you try to purposely make a mistake, it ends up doing the opposite you intend. What do you do?

You are an ordinary looking object (eg. a lamp or a table) and you live with humans without them knowing about you. What do you see? What are their secrets? What would you like to tell them?

Everything inanimate speaks to you. People think you're crazy. But they do. Everything has feelings and wishes and dreams, and You're the only one who can hear them. 

                   *BONUS* Do this one in a public room for best results!

You now, right now, as in YOU. Yes you. You now own everything and everyone in the room you are in right now. What do you do? What do you command everyone else to do?

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