Writing prompts 8

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You swam in a spring you found in a forest, not knowing the effects. By the next morning you had turned into an animal, so you seek refuge with your significant other. They don't know that this stray they've taken in is you, so they talk to you about everything; including how they feel about the human you. What do you discover? How do they react when human you has "gone missing"? What do they do? Do you ever turn back into a human?

Two suitors compete for the hand of a prince(ss), and in all their bickering they start to fall in love with each other instead. The prince(ss) holds a royal wedding for them in celebration.

In a world where everyone is assigned one storybook at birth, that's all they ever grow up reading. Their one story. No one is allowed to tell their story to another, and according to your story, you are assigned a romantic partner to get married to. Write what happens when a couple breaks the rules and hunts down the grand library of Stories, and steals hundreds of them for their child to grow up reading. What story does their child end up with?

You're a hired assassin that falls in love with the target. What do you do?

Everybody in your country has a number. They're named after their number, and All of their paperwork has numbers instead of names. The numbers go up to 3000, and then it starts again with the next babies born. In school, your number is on your locker, your desk, your tests, everything. You are that number. When you decide to go on a forbidden trip to another land, you realize that some people aren't numbers. They have names. Long, beautiful names. Short, cool names. You want a name. But you have a number. How will you break out of the mold and get a name of your own?

Invent a new word. Give it a meaning. Make it something deep, riveting. Make it a word that makes you feel something or remember something every time you hear it. Remember it. Write about it. Post about it. This is now your word. Do as you please with it. Make it mean something. Stuff it full of emotion. Graffiti it all over your things. Spread it around. This word. It's your word.

A whole new generation is given a world wide project. They were each given a tumblr blog when they reached age 13 they were permitted to post and reblog whatever they'd like before they were locked out on their 21st birthdays. In 100 years, their offspring had to look back on these blogs and write a report about who this person was and what they were like. Write from the POV of your offspring, looking back on your blog now. Write about who they would think you are like.

You buy matching charm bracelets at a garage sale for your significant other and yourself. The minute you put it on though, you are both teleported to different timelines in different lives, with the only way of getting back to your timeline being to fix history the way it went down the first time. After you've solved one mixed up history, you're sent to another to fix it. You have to do a number of these before the universe will send you back, and it takes hundreds of years. Will you remember your Significant Other? Will they remember you? Will you ever make it back to them? 

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