The shopping trip

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So for the first few weeks you completely avoided the guys, largely because you are so used to maintaining a professional persona with strangers and you were afraid that if you hung out with them that would somehow diminish and secondly because your company was recruiting new employees and you were required to be working around the clock. 

Because of this you would only come home to sleep, change and shower. You didn't even eat at home. However by the end of September things settled down and you finally had a free weekend.  

You woke up late (as late as 10 o clock could be on a Saturday) and decided to have a nice  fulfilling breakfast. 

You headed down the kitchen turn the stove on to make your tea, when you opened the fridge and saw that it was literally empty (minus the ketchup sachets and water.) Even the vegetables and fruits that you had brought were missing. You quickly ran over the cupboards and checked same it was empty. 

Your immediately thought of Dan and Phil and you stormed upstairs and began banging loudly at their doors.

"Dan! Phil! wake up!" you shouted.

Dan and Phil responded after a minute and they seemed as if they had just jumped out of the bed.

Phil was wearing a Sponge-bob themed PJs but Dan just came out shirtless and even though you were furious at them you couldn't resist staring at Dan's body.

"Oh my god."  you heard your inner fan girl scream.

You drowned the sound of your inner fan girl by yelling about what you had discovered and how you had just bought that days before they had moved and the supply was suppose to last for 3 months. 

They just stood there awkwardly and apologized for what they did and when you asked them why they did it. Dan replied, "Well we were hungry and we saw that you hadn't touch the supplies we decided to eat it."

Phil nodded in agreement. 

"Why didn't you just go and buy  the supplies?"

"Well..." Phil started.

"We are lazy." Dan finished the sentenced and smiled with a hint of guilt.

"Ugh." you responded and paced a bit before you said. 

"Okay. You guys have twenty minutes. Get dressed we are going shopping and bring 150 pounds each."

"150 pounds?"  Dan and Phil asked in unison.

"No complaining you guys are buying both mine and your own supplies. Now move."

They quickly scrambled and you went to your room to quickly get ready, you just grabbed you yesterday's clothes and to your surprise your hair was looking great. You waited for them at the main door.

Dan and Phil quickly came down dressed in their usual attire

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Dan and Phil quickly came down dressed in their usual attire. 

You three drive over to the nearest wholesome shopping store

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You three drive over to the nearest wholesome shopping store. At first you let them go ahead with the trolley but when you realize that Dan and Phil don't know any shopping hacks you quickly intervene and start guiding them.

"Dan why are you buying 3 cereal packs of crunchy nut?" you ask in annoyance.

"Because I love Crunchy Nut. Don't judge me." Dan replies defensively.

"I'm not judging you, you idiot. There is a deal of buy 5 get one free on Crunchy Nut. Buy that."

"Oh." Dan replies.

"Oh my God Dan! we are saving a cost of one cereal box." Phil replies in amazement.

"Teach us how to shop cheap, Senpai." Dan comments.

Even though you aren't sure if they are being sarcastic, you start explaining them shopping hacks and they pay attention earnestly.

Before you reach the checkout line, you attention gets diverted towards the electric items that are on sale. You tell the duo to wait and return with a salesperson carrying a small box containing a small fridge.

You also pick up 3 bike locks to check out.


"Are you serious?" Dan asks as he sees you lock four cupboards together with two of the bike locks you brought and use the third one to lock the small fridge. 

"Yup. Rest of these cupboards and this other fridge is yours." you announce as you point towards the other cupboards and the original fridge in the kitchen both of them stare at you dumbfounded. 

You snap your fingers and point towards them and say "Ayyy"

"Oh you do watch our videos." Phil comments in relaxation.

Dan gives Phil a death stare and you leave.

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