Fang: The Musher's Lead Wolf

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To the right is a pic of the pup, MiaTuk.

Chapter 1 *Separation*

 The Yukon forest held an eerie feeling, to those who casually passed. It’s that mystery, the look of not knowing what could be in there that kept the average person away from its hidden treasure.

     Many souls that live in its depth both good and bad claim The Yukon forest they’re home. The dense coverage camouflaged worked almost too well when it came to poachers. Usually when reckless adventures or tourist go in for a peek they come back out disappointed. Those kinds of humans could have passed by a bear and not see it. Every time something not familiar to the Yukon forest trolls in, it’s countlessly being watched. And now is no different.

 It had been quiet, throughout the forest; the birds didn’t even sing their morning tunes. That’s the first sign when one needs to be suspicions. Little light is given from the slow raising sun but it’ll still be hours until it came. Till then a sheet of fog spread throughout the Yukon forest, covering tracks no human could see.       

 Hidden a mile away from the forest exit laid a small river. The aspens, evergreens and pins hung over it like curtains on a stage with big thick bushes circled the area. It’s beautiful with the fog floating on top of the water and the crickets playing they’re song made it peaceful. It is one of the forests quieter places, a perfect place to let a tired she-wolf rest alone with her young pup.  

  The pup could not yet be more than ten days old; its light grey fur seemed to blend into its mother’s own paws. The she-wolf had the fur coloring of a Lilac Point Siamese if you could believe it.  Her paws to her mid bone were a light silvery gray, that same color was layered on her wavy tail. The silvery gray ran up her spine to cover over her ears and face like a light mask. The color traveled from her ears to circle around her hazel green eyes, then ran down her long snout. The color on her spine blended down around the rest of her body into the light dirty cream coat. Over all a very beautiful wolf.

     The she-wolf had her face in an angle to watch her pup with a soft gaze. It was drinking from her as she laid there. She had been running a while, taking her pup away from whoever was pursuing them. The mother looked really tired, but seemed to be putting a front around her pup.

Crickets had stopped playing, which got the she-wolf to snap her head away from her pup. Standing up from her previous position she perked her ears. Feeling the warmth of its mother gone, the pup whimpered and crawled around to search for it. Followed after her pup’s first whimper a snap of a stick went off. A low growl, made her tail and high hunch fur go straight up and growl dangerously back. No longer feeling safe there, the she-wolf grabbed the scruff of her pup, still keeping her eyes on that location. The moment she lifted her pup from the ground an arrow replaced it.

  At that moment the she-wolf did a half jump turn and ran the opposite direction back into the woods. Having her pup with her gave her no time to fight back, plus she had been growing weaker by the second.

 Growls and barks from dogs where heard all around her, they’re trying to trap her in. She maneuvered around the ground like a fox, wanting to confuse the hunting party as much as she could.


“The ‘Bitch’ is on the run boys!... let lose the dogs!!” A man yelled out as he hurtled over a fallen tree to get into the once peaceful area the wolf once had ben. He looked beyond pissed that he had missed his chance.

Men and dogs ran passed him on foot and on horseback through the forest. It had been a fairly easy winter so this early in the year going hunting on horses felt almost knew.

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