Fang: The Musher's Lead Wolf-> Chapter 4 *Ready for the Training*

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I'm so sorry for the long waiting!! I lost all my notes when my old laptop crashed.

Hope you like it!!

Chapter 4 *Ready for the training*

The City of Dawson is a well preserved, living and breathing cultural and historic oasis tucked away in the middle of the Yukon wilderness.  It is referred to as the “Paris of the North” during summer; Dawson becomes a carnival by day and a circus by night, brimming with art, music, literary, and natural history festivals. Though the city was founded in the late 1800’s most of Dawson's buildings look old-fashioned and all new construction must follow this policy. To keep the allusion for the tourists who come in afloat. It held that old English feeling.

  The old gold mining town is still making money, but is kept on the down low.  The thriving underground economy keeps the city going every year. Though technically Dawson is a City, it easily felt too small to be considered one so the people call it a town.

   Henry had to make a delivery near a mine this morning. An old and a still in functioned one that the richest man in the city owns. George Carmack was named after his the first from the year 1896, who held claim to Klondike gold mine. George the III now owns a mine farther away from town, where 20% of the folks work.


   Henry only needed three of his dogs to pull the sled through the town and up the trails. Normally when there’s any opportunity to get the whole team to work he’d take it. But the weight’s small enough to let MaiTuk work her way into a small portion of the team.

  Yes, since he heard about the small delivery Henry had been thinking on bringing the young pup along for her first outing. Though Henry is still pondering this idea if he should or not.

  The small loads of boxes were lined up next to each other, with no part of the bottom half of the sled; which is known as the cargo bed showing.  Worrying about the harsher winds going up the mountains; even with the warmer weather coming in Henry throw a thick deer hide over them.

  Knowing everything is in its proper place on the sled he whistled for Conzai, who was napping on the house around porch. Walking into the tack room where all of the dog’s gear is hung up, MiaTuk poked her little head in.

  With her nose up in the air she tilts her ears to the side as if saying “whatcha doing?” When Henry didn’t acknowledge her, MiaTuk plopped her rump down on the dirty hay and let out a small whine and pouts.

   Chuckling he gathers the harnesses he needs and turns to see the pup. Her back paws lifted off the ground made her small chunky body more so. She gave the perfect ‘puppy dog’ look, no bun intended.

  “Hey girl come to see us off are ya?”Hearing him say that made her perk her ears ‘where?’ Was all he heard; not by sound but in his mind. Henry had been getting use to hearing light words, almost a whisper come to him when it came to the pup in front of him. There were first small mumbles but they keep becoming clearer with each second he spends with her. But he wondered will her words grow and advance more while she grows?

   “It’s a delivery trip past the town” Henry walked past MiaTuk so he could gather the small team he had planned on bringing. Henry wasn’t 100% sure yet about the pup tagging along or not, so he kept that information away from his thoughts as much as possible.

  MiaTuk jumped up and pranced after him, hoping he’d take her along. She hadn’t necessarily left the farm before and going as far as the lake wasn’t much of an adventure. So she made sure to stay close to get a better chance.


When she saw Conzai run up to the sled she bounced in excitement and darted up the hill to meet up with him. Of course her chubby legs didn’t help with speed or even close with binging agile. A little tumble is always added to everything she did when it came to moving a body part.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2013 ⏰

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