A Father's Promise (2)

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The ground soaked red with the blood of the eight soldiers as General Lei and Fong wipe their bloody swords off with the clothes of the dead soldier by their feet.  A dead silence came over them as they placed their swords back inside the scabbard.  

"We need a plan."  General Lei said as he pulls out a dagger to cut through the rope that bound his daughter and her fiancee. "A solid plan to ensure that the King would not question." 

BP pulls Vixen's silently crying body to his and holds her tightly.   His rage quietly contained at the moment to comfort his love.  

From the shadows Doc, Nightmare and Hongmo stepped forward, letting General Lei and Fong know of their presence.  

"Tell me."  Nightmare said as the three of them stand beside Vixen and BP.  "Who's plan was it to hire assassins and which organization was used?" 

General Lei stared down at the ground in front of him for a long time, deciding what to tell them. 

"Tell me!"  BP said harshly.  

General Lei jerked his head up as if he woke up from a daze and with a heavy sigh he told them everything.  "Blood Moon Organization." 

The seven of them let the silence descend over them even more.  The five of them, from Blood Moon, never would have thought that Mace would accept a contract for his people.  Let alone let the person who put out the contract live.  He would have gave his people a heads up first about the person who wants their life. No matter how well Mace treated every assassin in Blood Moon, business was still business in the end and the five of them had to learn the hard way.  

A cold and deadly silent rage came over her.  Asano and Mace were both her past lovers and now she considered them her friends.  Their betrayal hurt her the most.  She knew Asano was someone who had the determination and goals to become King, thus why she kept her distance from him and stopped their intimate relationship.  And Mace was someone she heavily relied on. Not only as a friend, but as a boss as well.  

"King Asano and Master Mace are childhood friends."  General Lei told them.  "My son also grew up with them.  He can confirm that King Asano and Master Mace treat each other as blood brothers.  Should one rise to the top, the other does as well.  Should one fall, the other will pick them up.  Should one ask, the other will give.  Should one give, the other will accept and give something back in return. King Asano ordered Mace to kill Vixen and BP.  As he ordered me to do the same.  The assassins from Blood Moon were to assist my men until they escaped the city.  It would then be up to me to do the rest." 

"Those treacherous bastards!"  Doc said.  "Whats our next plan?"  

"We could fake Vixen's death."  BP suggested.  "Ghost, can you create a potion to make it look like Vixen is dead?  We can reclaim her body once the body is given back to the Lei Clan to burry.  We can escape Bido Kingdom and never come back." 

"I can--" Hongmo started to say but was cut off by General Lei.  

"The King wants us to burn her dead body in front of him.  He wants to make sure that the child does not live." General Lei said through gritted teeth.  

"Ghost can you make a potion to change one's face?"  BP asked.  

"I don't know of any potions that would do that."  Hongmo told him truthfully.  

The seven of them didn't know what to say after that. They let the silence descend upon them as they all get lost in their own thoughts.  

"Kill me."  Vixen said.  

"No!"  BP shouted.  "I won't let them have you."  

"It's the only way."  Vixen said as she turned to BP.  "It's the only way for you, my family and our child to live. I don't want to die either, but it's the only way." 

"What if the child dies only?" Hongmo said to everyone, cutting them deep with her ruthless words.  

"Kill my child!  My child is innocent."  Vixen yelled.  

Hongmo held her hands up, stopping them from misunderstanding her.  "It's not what you guys are thinking.  Just listen to me before you all jump to wrong conclusions.  The King and Queen are threatened by the existence of your child, right?  What I'm suggesting is, let us pretend to kill your child in front of King Asano. Making him believe your child is dead.  Which would mean, he would have no cause to kill you guys any more."  

"That's a great idea!" Vixen said.  "But it will be difficult."  

"And hard."  Hongmo told them.  "First, I know the King.  After your child's "death" he would either give you two options.  Death or leave the Kingdom.  Should he let you guys leave the Kingdom, that would mean you could take your child with you and always be on the run. But, he could always choose to kill you guys in the end anyway." 

"Ghost...." BP whispered. 

"Should he still choose to kill the both of you.  As the Godmother to your child, I will spend the rest of my days protecting your child and the descendants of your child."  Homong told them.  

"Tell us your plan."  BP said through gritted teeth.  

"Vixen, you're 7 months pregnant, right?"  Hongmo asked.  

"Yes. Almost 8 in a couple of days."  

"We can induce your labor so you can have your child naturally.  Although your child will be born early, he or she can still survive."  Hongmo told them.  "General Lei and Mister Fong Lei would send word to the King, letting him know that you guys escaped and the both of them are on your trail and should capture the two of you soon.  That would give us the several days to wait until you're 8 months and the time for your child to be born.  General Lei and Mister Fong Lei will then take the three of you back into the city and into the palace and present the three of you to him.  By then we would have feed your child the Night Moon Poison to make it seem like your child is dead. You would then tell the King that you had a stillborn baby.  Due to the stress on your body, you  had your baby early and he or she died.  From there, General Lei would beg the King to let the both of you live.  Even though Vixen left the Lei Clan, she still has the blood of General Lei inside of her.  And even through BP was never really acknowledge by King Boli Yun, he still has the blood of the King inside of him as well."  

Hongmo looked at the people around her quickly before continuing on with her plan.  "King Asano wants the love and approval of his people, he needs it.  That is why he didn't kill any of his brothers when King Boli Yun died.  He exiled every brother to another Kingdom.  Should General Lei bring this point up, he would understand that should he kill BP and word gets out that the King killed his own brother, his approval from the people would go down.  This would be the best time for the two of you, Vixen and BP to beg for your life and promise to leave Bido Kingdom and never come back.  Vixen, you would also beg to bury your child in the Lei burial grounds so your child would be near family in the afterlife.  Once you have your child again, the four of you would go to the Lei Clan's ancestral hall, where I will give your child the antidote and you guys pretend to hold a burial ceremony. Everything has to go as plan or King Asano can kill you guys at any time. Since the both of you would be watched by the King's soldiers, I will take care of your child while the two of you flee to Yukah Kingdom.  I will then meet you in Yukah Kingdom where I will hand your child over to the both of you." 

"Will this plan work?"  Vixen asks as she rubs her belly in circles.  

"It's the only plan we have."  General Lei said.  "It has to work. 

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