Meeting Again

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Hongmo made her way to The Crimson Light Tea House and sat down in the open area on the first floor.  She made sure to sit in the corner to watch and listen to the patrons that came in and out of the tea house.  She was able to identify several assassins by the necklace that they wore around their necks.  Hongmo wanted to identify and keep an eye on her competition.  She wanted to gauge their skills and see if they would cause her any trouble in the future.

"I bet you're wondering how they can just wear the necklace proclaiming to everyone that they belong to a certain assassin organization."  The waitress said as she set down Hongmo's tea and cake.   "It's like a written rule.  You see it but you don't talk about it, unless you're asking for a fight which would lead to death.  The hidden, but visible assassin organizations runs this kingdom.  Even the royal family has their own assassins."  

"Thanks."  Hongmo said as she sipped her tea.  

"I've seen you around, are you new?"  

"Something like that."  Hongmo tells the waitress.  

"Chatty are we?" The waitress teased.  "I'll leave you be."  

Hongmo was left alone to watch the crowd when a dark shadow covered the door.  Everyone stopped talking when the shadow walked through the door.  Hongmo heard the whispers of "The Lone Wolf" and "Prince Asano" being said.  

Hongmo stared at the large man and recognized him as her teacher.  Scholar Saito was Prince Asano.  Her eyes tighten in curiosity as he scanned the room.  His black eyes met her navy blue eyes and stilled.  He didn't expect to get his cover blown on the same day.  Hongmo raised her tea cup to cheers to him as she raised her eyebrow at him.  Acknowledging the fact that she now knows his true identity.  

Asano returns his gaze upstairs where a room was reserved for him.  He didn't let the surprise show on his face, nor did he let the anger of his foolish mistake hesitate his movements.  He went upstairs to the private tea rooms and sent his guard for Hongmo.  

As quickly as the door closed, a guard came down stairs.  Everyone knew that the guards who wore black and silver were Prince Asano's guards.  They watched as the guard made his way through the crowded room and finally stopped in front of the small table in the corner. 

"Miss Hongmo, my Prince would like to invite you upstairs to chat with him."  The guard with a scar from his right eye down to his lips whispered to her. 

"Tell him I'm busy."  Hongmo said as she tried to look around the guard.  

His terrifying gaze narrowed at her before trying again.  

"I suggest Miss Hongmo follow me upstairs to drink tea with The Lone Wolf."  

"And I suggest you to move.  You're blocking my way.  Tell your Lone Wolf that I'm busy.  Should he care for my presence, there's an empty chair in front of me."  

Koga wanted to strike the insolent woman down with his sword, but he knew if he did, Prince Asano would kill him.  He had been there when Prince Asano entered Miss Hongmo's residence under the identity as Scholar Saito.  Koga turned around to report to his Prince of the arrogance of the woman.  

While he was gone, the whispers around who she is and how she was connected to Prince Asano kept being brought up.  There was a large booming sound could be heard, came from the private tearoom.  The sliding door opened as Prince Asano calmly walked down the stairs and made his way to the corner of the room. 

"Miss Hongmo."  Asano said as he bowed his head. "It's a surprise to see you here."  

"You as well.  Scholar Saito.  Or... should I say Prince Asano? Or is it The Lone Wolf I'm talking to now?"  Hongmo said as she leaned back to stare into his eyes.  Her mocking voice tugged at his anger.  His tall frame overshadowed her gaze as they spoke.  "Please do sit down.  If you're not busy."  

"I thank you for the invitation."  Asano said as he sat down across from her.  The room was dead quiet as everyone stared at them.  "This conversation would have been better in the private room."  

"What ever do you mean?" Hongmo played dumb as she poured some tea into the extra teacup set to the side of the table.  She placed the teacup in front of Asano and continued their conversation. "Truthfully, I don't really care who you are. You can call yourself what ever you want. The only think I care about is the deal we made.  Are we still in agreement on our deal?" 

"Yes."  Asano said slowly after staring at her for a long time, trying to read the young woman in front of him.  She showed no emotion, nor did she show any inflections in her voice.  He was impressed with her, for she stared directly into his eyes, not yielding or shying away.  She was either foolish or very confident.  Either way, her actions attracted his attention and he wanted to get to know they mysterious, cold woman who sat in front of him.  

"Then why are we still having his conversation?" Hongmo said as she cut a piece of the cake with her fork and ate it. "Anything else we need to discuss?"  

"Not at the moment."  Asano said, mesmerized by her full lips as she ate the cake. 

"Then I'm sure the Prince is a busy man.  You should attend to those matters first."  

Asano drank the tea in one gulp as he angrily swallowed the minty refreshing tea.  No one other than his King Father has dared to dismiss him before. And now the slip of a girl is doing so.  He wanted to strangle her neck and wanted to know how soft her lips were as well. 

Standing up from the table, he was soon stopped by a screech of a young girl and her gaggle of friends.  Their loud commotion drew everyone's attention towards them and his heart harden even more with annoyance.  

"Prince Asano!"  Sara shouted as she saw that he was with Hongmo.  "Don't associate yourself with that woman!  She is nothing but a liar and a thief!  You must keep your distance from her or she'll cause you misfortune."  

Sara and her friends made their way towards Asano and Hongmo.  The group pushed and knocked over the other tables and teapots, not caring if anything broke.  

"You're saying that as if it's a bad thing."  Hongmo said loudly.  "My misfortune in life is meeting you, Lady Sara."  

Hongmo stood up from her table and turned to Prince Asano.  "It seems like your future fiancee doesn't like us being near each other, so I'll take my leave first... again."  

"She's not--" Asano began to say.  

"I'll leave her to you to deal with."  Hongmo said as she began to leave.  

"Where do you think you're going!"  Sara shouted louder as she got more angry. Her hand flew out trying to stop Hongmo, but instead Hongmo shifted her body far enough that Sara's reach couldn't get a hold of her.  "How dare you bother Prince Asano!  How dare you take claim over him! How--" 

"I guess being born into nobility does not make you a true lady."  Hongmo said clearly so everyone would hear.  "Every manner and etiquette taught to you has clearly not been learned by you.  Your mother should get a good beating for not teaching you well.  Lady Sara, screaming and pouting in public with no shame at all to your name and family's name.  How embarrassing."  

The crowd laughed as the women giggled and pointed at her.  They were happy to see her being put in her place.  Her tyranny over everyone made their lives hard since no one was courageous enough to talk back to her.  Word of this incident flew had spread like wild fire as people start to gather outside the tea house. 

"Now that you're thoroughly lectured and behaving, I shall take my leave."  Hongmo said as she moved around the table.  Sara no longer tried to stop her. Sara was too angry to say or do anything further. Hongmo walked out of the tea house without looking back.  Her figure disappeared long with the crowd as Sara stared down to the ground, her cheeks red with embarrassment.  She didn't want Prince Asano to take notice of her this way.  She only wanted to show him the good side to her.  Only the beautiful side of her. 

She watched him behind her eyelashes as he walked towards her, then passed by her.  He walked up the stairs and into the private tearoom.  Her heart broke as he never once stopped to acknowledge her or speak up for her.  Tears threatened to fall down her face as her hands became fists.  

"I'll pay you back for this."  Sara promised to herself.  "I'll be the biggest misfortune in your life, Miss Hongmo!" 

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