Prince Asano's Birthday Party (3)

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From behind Asano, two of his shadow guards, Fuki and Koga appeared behind Asano.  They had immediately went into action as they read their Master's body language.  He as very displeased at Prime Minister Nawa and his family, especially his daughter for her rude actions and behavior at the young woman that he has recently became fond of.  

Fuki and Koga landed right behind Sara and held down by her shoulder.  Sara cried out in surprise and alarm as she felt the presence of malice behind her and strong hands hold her down.  Sara struggled as she cried out for her father.

Prime Minister Nawa kowtowed three times apologizing each time to Prince Asano and Hongmo.  

"Please forgive us.  We have wronged you greatly.  Please do not punish my daughter, punish me.  I will take my daughter's punishment in her place for her mistakes.  We will teach her better when we go home.  Please forgive us for our mistake."  

For several people there, it was good to see the Prime Minister taken down a notch or two.  For many years he had a tyrannical hold on the government and its officials that going against him was a mistake that none of them couldn't afford.  They have lost too much trying to go against him before and seeing him now, kowtowing to the Lone Wolf and his chosen young lady, they all secretly enjoyed the moment.  They loved seeing how he could fall so fast from his high position due to his daughter.  

Lady Cammy had also kowtowed along with her husband.  Her forehead had busted open and blood seeped through the cut as they kept kowtowing.  

"Do you see what you have done?"  Hongmo said as she pointed over to Lady Cammy's forehead.  "You have ruined your mother's beauty with your reckless, spoiled behavior. '  

Hongmo tsked at Sara and shook her head side to side in mock concern.  "But I guess they sort of deserve what happened to them for not teaching and disciplining you as they should have." 

Sara bit down her lip so hard it bled.  She had to, or else she would have shouted more foul words at the Slut!  

"You should also stop biting your lips.  A Young Misses beauty is all that matters to you Young Ladies, isn't?  To catch a husband all you need is your beauty for them to choose you and yet here you are marking your lips.  What if it causes a scar?  What if Prince Asano will only be reminded of this moment every time he sees that scar on your face?"  

Hongmo was like a cat playing with a dead mouse.  She had beaten Sara and her parents down in one whole swoop and now she's rubbing Sara's sore spot of catching Prince Asano's attention and marrying him.  Hongmo actions were hateful, but he never apologized and never backed down to those who messed with her first. She would pay them back ten fold for messing with her.  

"Seeing how sincere Prime Minister Nawa and Lady Cammy are towards their mistake, I think they should be forgiven.  Don't you agree Prince Asano?"  Hongmo said as she laid a hand on the table.  His hand came up and covered her hand, making it known to everyone that Miss Hongmo was under his care and protection.  

"Rise Prime Minister Nawa.  Rise Lady Cammy.  Go get checked by the Imperial Doctor.  I do not want to be blamed by my King Father for your absence at court tomorrow should you not show up."  Asano stated.  

Asano's statement forced Prime Minister Nawa to show up at court tomorrow.  He couldn't hide from his embarrassment at home and make up the excuse of being ill if he was ordered to go see an Imperial Doctor to heal him.  He would be the laughing stock for now on because of his brainless daughter. 

Sara began to stand, but the hands holding her down pushed her down, causing her to cry out more.  

"This Prince did not give permission for you to stand, Lady Sara."  Prince Asano said as he stood up.  "You are to kneel here until you understand what you did wrong and how to apologize sincerely like your parents.  You will remember this day, on my birthday, how to behave like a lady of your standing."  

Asano grabbed Hongmo's hand and led her out of the banquet hall with his shadow guards following behind.  Asano's hurried footsteps pulled her through the hidden corridors and hidden pathways from one building to the next until it reached his courtyard.  Once inside, the bright lighting of his large rooms attracted Hongmo's attention at his belongings that displayed and decorated his room.  

Hongmo escaped his hold as she stared at the paintings in his room, one by one admiring them.  She looked at the vases, music instruments, and ceremonial swords that were properly displayed around his room.  His room was warm and inviting, nothing like her room.  Which was simple and cold.  Just like her.  

"Why do they call you the Lone Wolf?"  Hongmo said offhandedly as she read the poem along with the painting that hung on his wall.  

"When I was 12 years old, I went into battle, it was a losing battle for my small platoon, but we needed to hold on to our position until reinforcements came.  In the end, it was just me who still stood on my feet, even though I was heavily injured.  I was too stubborn to take one step back and give them the position we held and they were too stupid to just kill me when they had the chance.  They fought me one on one to toy with me because I was young and foolish.  However what they didn't know was that I was just trying to waste time so reinforcements could arrive.  By the time they arrived, several men who fought me one one one had laid dying at my feet.  Those that saw me and the situation I was in called me the Lone Wolf.  The last standing against everyone else."  

"I'm guessing they call you the Lone Wolf because you like being alone as well, but wolves, they live in packs to survive."  Hongmo said as she turned around to look at Asano.  He had taken off his fine birthday robe and was just wearing a simple white shirt and pants.  "So far there's Master Teacher Sano, Doctor Gu... I'm guessing some of the Generals and Ministers... you have set yourself up nicely, I would say.  But what does your King Father think of you as the next ruler of Bido Kingdom?"  

Asano had made his way to sit in on the bench by the foot of his bed staring at Hongmo as she talked.  How could this woman see through him so easily when he hid himself so well away from everyone else. Her lady like appearance was a lie to the sharp and harsh words that came out of her kissable mouth.  

"He supports the Crown Prince."  Prince Asano told her.  "He doesn't even have me in his sights as someone who would want to claim the throne.  He thinks that my interests lay in holding a military position.  I don't attend court or chat with others about state affairs.  All he sees is a son who likes martial arts."  

Hongmo laughed to herself as she kept looking around his room.  She never knew if she would have a chance to visit again.  Asano was a wolf in sheep's clothing.  No wonder she was so attracted to him.  

"Do you want to stay?"  Asano asked as he patted the seat next to him.  

"If I stay, we must make things clear between us."  Hongmo tells him as she makes her way towards him.  "I cannot be your wife, your Princess Consort, your concubine, or your future Queen.  I am Du Hongmo.  Your friend. Your student.  And your sometimes lover.  You do not own me as I do not own you.  I will sleep with those who I choose and you are one of those that I choose.  Do you understand.  You cannot be jealous if you see that I have found myself with someone else that I have chosen.  If you know you will be a possessive man, I will leave now and we can still be friends, but not lovers.  But if you want me to stay, this is what you have to agree to.  For I will not give you more than than this." 

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