Hunting Vladis (4)

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"Is it true that you command a dragon and a phoenix?"  Vixen finally asked after two days since Hongmo told them of her other identity. They had stopped to rest after a long day of traveling and killing wild beasts.  "I heard you have wings!?!"  

Hongmo stared at the four of them for a long time before nodding her head once.  

"Can we see?"  Vixen asked softly as she smiled at Hongmo sweetly.  

"Only if you want to die."  Hongmo told her.  

"Forget then!"  Vixen shouted.  "Never mind, I don't care to see it.   I will never care to see it!" 

Hongmo laughed at Vixen as she hid behind BP, who in turn hid behind Nightmare.  They figured they had a better chance at living if they used Nightmare as a shield against Hongmo.  Nightmare shook his head side to side at their ridiculous behavior and moved away from them.  


After another two days they found the trail they have been searching for and followed it closer and closer to the Yukah Kingdom boarder.  Nightmare scouted ahead of them and came back with the information they needed.  

"There's 50 mercs camped out about 50 miles west of our location.  They have fortified their camp with trenches, a wall surrounding their camp and archer towers."  Nightmare told them.  

"Then how are we suppose to kill them?"  Vixen asked them out loud.  

"You don't."  Hongmo told them.  


"I will."  Hongmo said as she stilled herself to the killing that would be happening later on that night.  "Ghost will attack.  I will call my phoenix and dragon to attack them.  Should there be anyone that happens to escape my attack, I'll have to leave it to your capable hands to take care of them."  

"We can't just leave everything up to you."  BP said annoyingly.  He too wanted to fight the mercs and kill them.  That's why he came all the way to the seventh peak to do, that was what he was going to do! 

"Can you surround your body with your inner qi and create a full body shield to block the golden fires?"  Hongmo asked.  "If you can do that, you can walk in the fire storm and kill the mercs all you want."  

BP pouted even more at her comment.  

"Do you want me not to call on my dragon and phoenix?"  Hongmo asked.  "Because we can do it the hard way as well."  

Vixen punched BP in the shoulder as Vixen raised her hand.  "Raise your hand if you want Hongmo to call on her dragon and phoenix to help kill the mercs?"  

Doc and Nightmare raised their hand as BP stared hatefully at the two men who betrayed him. 

'How about my dragon and phoenix will only burn the archer towers and half of the mercs.  I'll leave the rest of the mercs in your hands."  Hongmo said as she tried to come to a compromise.  

"Deal!"  BP said happily as he danced around Vixen in victory.  

"Now the question is, are we going to attack during the day or during the night?"  Doc asked.  

"We can do it now."  Hongmo told them. "There's not point in waiting, seeing how we have a chance right now.  If we wait until night time, your chances at getting injured will increase."  

"Okay."  They all agreed.  

"Remember, Vladis is my kill.  Should one of you kill him, even by accident, I'll kill you in his stead."  Hongmo told them.  She could taste his death in her mouth as the Goryo's hunger called out to the souls it would get to eat.  

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