The General's House

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The gates to the General's house was wide open with his servants standing outside to receive the important guests. General Hugh stood outside with his imposing and suffocating aura as the carriage stopped in front of him and they alighted the carriage.  

"Welcome, Prince Asano, Master Teacher Sano, Doctor Gu and Godly Poison Expert Hongmo."  General Hugh said as he bowed towards them.  "Come inside.  My son and wife are inside and have been waiting all morning."  

"Godly Poison Expert?" The Goryo laughed.  "Yes, that I am!  But you?  You are only being call this because of me!  Haha!  I like the ring to that name.  Godly Poison Expert!" 

Hongmo snickered at the Goryo as she bragged about herself.  Hongmo followed the group of men while Asano insisted on following them from behind to ensure that Hongmo didn't escape and decide to run.  

The courtyard was willed with a tranquil bamboo forest that lead to a large bare yard where several weapon stands filled with weapons stood to the side of the open yard.  30 soldiers were practicing and stopped and bowed when they noticed the guests who walked with their General.  

"You may rise and continue on with your practice."  Asano said before following General Hugh into the large house.  

They immediately went to Henry's room, where the air was filled with the medicinal smell that Doctor Gu prescribed.  The room was filled with light as the sun shined through.  The incense burned a floral scent  to cover the medicinal smell.  Henry laid in bed, his eyes held a dull look of hopelessness and despair.  He didn't even acknowledge the guests that came and the fact that Prince Asano came to see him.  

They too, grew up together and had drifted apart when Asano joined the army and made a name for himself.  When Prince Asano came back to the city of Obe, Henry left with his father to fight on the boarder to make a name for himself.  It started off well, with his achievements and reputation growing every year, however six months ago, his ego and pride lead his thoughts and actions as he went into battle which caused him to make a huge mistake.  

Now he lied in bed, dying, as doctor after doctor didn't know what poison ailed him. Without know which poison infected his body and his mind, how could they know how to cure him.  Now they bring in this Godly Poison Expert that Doctor Gu had praised to his parents and brought this Godly Poison Expert to cure him.  His heart cried out in disdain as everyone made false promises and false words towards him and his illness.  There was no one who could cure him except the person who poisoned the tip of the arrowhead that injured him.  

His eyes flicked over to the Godly Poison Expert and his heart skipped a beat.  Her red hair was like a light shinning in a darken tunnel as the sunlight lit her hair, making it glow like a halo.  The white dress along with the robe she wore was plain and simple, but it didn't hide her beauty.  Henry closed his eyes.  She was too magnificent to keep his eyes on her.  It made it hard for him to keep staring at her as she represented the hope and will to keep living.  

"General Hugh, Lady Margret, Henry.  This is the Godly Poison Expert I was telling you about."  Doctor Gu said as he introduced them to each other.  "Miss Hongmo.  Miss Hongmo, this is General Hugh.  His Lady Wife, Lady Margret and their son Henry."  

Hongmo nodded as she stepped forward.  Margret wanted to argue with them when she first saw the young woman step in through the door.  She didn't believe the young woman could be the Godly Poison Expert that everyone was talking about.  She was first of all, a woman and second of all, too young to be an expert at anything. Margret was about to open her mouth and argue with them when General Hugh spoke out first and interfered with her thoughts.  A dark look came over her as she pouted.  She wasn't going to let some slip of a girl try to con them. 

"Thank you, Miss Hongmo for agreeing to come see my son!"  General Hugh said as he stepped forward to shake her hand in gratitude.  He would trust anyone willing to heal his son, especially anyone who was recommended by Master Teacher Sano, Doctor Gu and Prince Asano.  She must be the real deal, seeing how all three of them trusted her.  

"May I?'  Hongmo  asked as she pointed to Henry.  

"Of course!  Of course!"  General Hugh said as he led her towards his son.  

The paleness in Henry's face alarmed Hongmo as she reached out to feel for his pulse.  His body felt deathly cold, but he was sweating.  His pulse was erratic and weak.  She checked his eyes and felt his neck when she saw the discoloration the veins on his neck.  

Hongmo turned towards the group who watched her every move.  

"Can you cure him?"  General Hugh asked with worry and hope.  

"What poison ails him?"  Doctor Gu asked at the same time.  

The others said something as well at the same time, making Hongmo raise her eyebrow to look at the group.  

"General Hugh, do you know my price for curing your son?"  Hongmo asked.  

Hugh looked at Sanno and Doctor Gu before they answered for Hongmo.  

"Miss Hongmo does not want money for her diagnosis and cure.  She wants a favor to be returned to her in full."  

"A favor!"  Margret shouted.  A favor was a dangerous request.  It could be something small, like money and range to something big, like rebellion against their King."  "That is unacceptable!"  

"Then your son will die in a week."  Hongmo tells them.  "He has a week left to live.  Should you change your mind before the week is over, you can ask Doctor Gu where I live to come fetch me.  I think a favor in exchange for your precious son's life is simple." 

"Wait!"  General Hugh shouted.  "This favor what does it consist of?  For their are other oaths that I have promised that I cannot break."  

"I will not ask you to break any oaths to your King and Kingdom."  Hongmo tells him.  "I will not ask you to break and oaths made with Prince Asano either.  Will this be alright with you?" 

General Hugh looked at Hongmo for a long time before agreeing.  "Okay.  Deal."  

"Husband!"  Margret shouted.  People who deal with favors are dangerous.  They can't be trusted.  For they do not care for material things and money.  They only care for themselves because they can't be bribed.  And that was the most scary of them all.

"Everything will be alright."  Hugh promised his wife.  "As long as the favor doesn't go against my oaths and my son is cured and healthy.  I am willing to pay for what ever demands Miss Hongmo makes."  

Margret saw the desperation in Hugh's eyes and gave in.  However she will keep her eyes on this Godly Poison Expert even after she leaves their residence.  Anyone who trades in favors are a danger to her family, to her King, and to her Kingdom.  

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