Hunting Vladis

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It took Hongmo two months to even reach the seventh peak.  Her travels through the six mountain ranges were a trial in itself with constant watch over the beasts that live there.  With the seventh peak having a mystical qi surrounding it, the beasts there were more powerful and more wild than the other beasts in the surrounding mountains.  

Hongmo had trained while she traveled, using up the soul cores of the beasts she killed to help her cultivate her qi and strengthen her qi core.  Along the way she would only harvest extremely rare plants for future use.  

Two months have pass by rather quickly for her, as she entered the seventh peak to the Seven Peak Mountain.  On her travel deeper into the forest, she heard several people fighting not to far from where she was walking.  She decided to make her way to investigate the noise when she heard familiar voices.  

"You bastards!"  Vixen shouted.  "I'll gut you like the pigs you are and offer your heart to the Gods for granting me your death!"  

"Darling, more killing, less talking!"  BP shouted.  

"If it's their death they seek, then its their death I'll grant."  Vixen yelled.  "Don't blame me for not granting you mercy!"

Hongmo ran towards the direction of the fighting and when she came close enough she saw BP, Vixen, Nightmare and Doc fighting back to back surrounded by 12 men from the Thunder Condor Squad.   

Hongmo had already pulled out her sword and started attacking the assassins without hesitation.  Her attacks were swift and deadly as she fought and with the additional advantage of a surprise in her presence, she was able to kill four people swiftly with one strike. However when Hongmo's presence was found, killing the assassins from the Thunder condor Squad became harder.  Her needles that she flung to her attackers helped her slowly make her way to her four friends.  

"You Bitch!"  Vixen shouted in happiness as she stuck her sword in the assassin who attacked her.  "If you were coming here why didn't you say so earlier!"  

"Then it would have taken all the surprise out of this moment, wouldn't it!?" Hongmo smiled at Vixen.  Before flinging her poison needles to the closest attacker.  

"Besides, it's not your pretty face I wanted to see."  Hongmo teased as she looked at Nightmare.  Upon hearing her confession his cheeks lit up in embarrassment at her words.  

"It must be my pretty face she missed."  BP said as he brushed his hair back with his fingers. Before dodging, nearly getting himself killed over his vanity.  

"Stupid kids!  Kill. Kill. Kill!"  Doc yelled at them.  They were still in a tight bind and yet the kids were talking as if they planned to meet up at the market to go shopping.  

Withing a span of five minutes and Hongmo's poison needles, they have killed all the men that attacked them.  

"We need to move quick."  Doc ordered.  "Before the beasts smells blood and come this way."  

"You mean I can't take their belongings?"  BP pouted.  

Doc sighed but quickly ordered.  "You have two minutes to collect as much bags, swords, and pouches as you can, now go!"  

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