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I woke up in the middle of night. I had this weird dream a few days after the funeral. I was in the house and I woke up to water running. I walked in the bathroom and my grandma was there sitting in the tub in here funeral dress her eye's were looking straight​ ahead. Then I ended up in the door frame of my room and her down the hallway. She had a straight face then she disappeared.

I was so confused. Why was her face straight. Did I do something wrong. I was so scared. I started having a panic attack and passed out. I woke up to Jaymond shaking me. Telling me to wake up.

I started coughing and then he pulled me into a hug running his fingers through my hair. He pulled me into the bathroom and sat me on the toilet top. He kissed my forehead and wetted my face towel and putted on my forehead. Then he carried me back into the bed and snuggled with me. I asked how he came in he said "Don't trip ,go back to sleep,"
I went back to sleep after that.


I decide to call up Dayja I know she ain't in the right place. When I called her she ain't pick up. I got scared as hell. I really falling for that girl and after all she been through I feel like I should be there for her. She's all that matters right now.

I drove to her house and picked her lock. I ran up to her room to see she was violently shaking and sweating crazy.

I started tapping her cheek and shaking her when she woke up she was out of breath and coughing. I hugged her tight scared to let go then I began to run my hands through her hair.

I had practice when I was younger my ma always had panic attacks and nightmares from my dad beating her. She still stayed with that nigga so I ran away. I couldn't help her if she ain't want it.

After I cleaned up Dee I took her back to bed and held her till she feel asleep. I kissed her head one last time and went back out to sell this product for boss. I gotta make money somehow.


After the funeral I went home and cried. I was holding it in for Dayja cause I know she hurt. Me and Dayja like actual family. I ain't gone lie she hurt my feelings when she said she has no more family. But I know my baby girl was hurt. Dayja used to be my annoying ass neighbor. We became friends and I started catching feelings. I just never told her. We were so clothes when her family left her. I came up with the idea of us being siblings. But I love that girl,on soul.
I headed to the trap to restock. I head downtown to work with Jaymond at hos shift. He was late. Which is weird cause the nigga never late when it means loosing money.

When he pulled up he smelled like a girl.

"Yo what up Jay who you fuck," I said smiling.

"Nigga nobody, but I went to check on Dayja.," he said laughing.

'Oh..um is 'MY' baby girl alright,"I asked

"Yeah​ Dayja had a panic attack,I guess from a nightmare but I put he back to sleep,"he said.

"Aww ok well be careful don't be messing with her hurt ight," I said.

"Yeah Dray , I really care about her, just like you do, Ill see you later get some rest ight fam," he asked.

"Yeah ight bye Jay,"I said hopping in my call and driving off.

He said he cared about her as much as me. That's funny, no one knows how much I love that girl. I took my ass home and went to sleep.


I woke in the middle of the night,well morning it was 2:30. I decide to text Jaymond.

Jay💙; hey why you woke

Daybae😍; I couldn't go back to sleep wyd.

Jay💙; selling product to the crack heads downtown.

Daybae😍; oh we'll be safe Jaymond

Jay💙; awww... You scared imma get hurt good to know you care

Daybae😍; frl Jay be careful

5 minutes ago

Daybae😍; Jay????

10 minutes ago

Daybae😍;Jay frl don't play with me

15 minutes ago

Daybae😍; fine fuck you then asshole.

Jay💙; ok..ok... Im sorry D

Daybae😍; leave me alone asshole

Jay💙;it was a joke im sorry. DayDay?

Daybae😍; gnite JAYMOND it's almost 3am i don't like to be woke at devil's hour ✌nite nigga.

I turned of my phone and took my ass to sleep. I can't stand his silly ass. I got him at school though.


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