Theo has been in a glaring contest with Reiner, "Both of you stop this and get the fudge to class!" Pulling on Reiner we started back to my class, after saying a few words we separated.

*Lunch Time*
I'm heading towards the cafeteria when I noticed Reiner standing outside wait on me, with a big smile on my face I greet him with a hug. Breathing in his scent I hug him tighter. Letting each other go, we heading in to get our food. Our school lunch is actually good y'all which is indeed shocking. Making it to our table I see Theo there with some girl, what the what. Glancing at Reiner I noticed him glaring at the girl.

Now how in the hell do Reiner know this girl, power walking to the table, sitting down I introduced myself to her, "Hello I'm Isadora and this guy," pointing to Reiner, "is my boyfriend Reiner and you are?"

Looking over to me and back to Reiner a few time she answers, "Oh I know who's Reiner is," that got my attention quick, "I'm his cousin Danny and I'm new here. Actually Reiner dad sent me here to check up on him," she says with a grin on her face. Ok y'all know my temper so of course I gotta defend my man from this supposedly cousin because it looks like Reiner wants to hurt her. Like at this very moment he is squeezing my thigh, I learned that he only does this when he is furious and needs to calm down so it's my right as his girlfriend to do what I have to do. Which is set this witch straight.

Drawing her attention back to me before I started to speak, "Uhm Danny right, well not to be rude but my man don't want to speak to you so do us all a favor and move the hell on." I stared her down begging her to say something slick, just one sentence boo boo. Now don't go thinking I'm the stereotype black girl. I am not and y'all should know this by now, I just protect what's mine and he is mine. Looking closer at her I start to see the resemblance between her and Reiner, her hair is just strawberry blonde instead. Her eyes are those big doe kind and surprisingly green as well, from her form I can tell she's taller than me. Probably 5'8 or something.

Smirking at me with those cold green eyes, Danny stands up and walks away, rolling my eyes at the little witch I turned to Reiner. "Reiner baby you know I never ask about your past but I think it's time I start to learn more about you and this," slowly I reached up and trace his scar, but this time he grabs my wrist tightly. Reiner turned from following his cousin out to growl at me with this cold expression on his face.

Hold on, who the fudge Reiner think I am, pulling my wrist free from him I slapped his chest, "You sir better calm down right now. You must have forgotten who I am for a second because I don't play whatever that was," I said pointing at him and me.

Reiner continued to glare at me, then decided to get up and just leave.


Y'all know I barely cursed but that just piss me off for real. Did he really just walk out on me, hmm he want to be stubborn I'll show him stubborn. Turning to Theo who has sat here watch the whole thing, smiling at him I ate my food starting up a conversation with him.

The bell rings to go home, I'm out the door and walking to my car when I see him. Sighing to myself I moved around him and open my door to get away from him, not saying one word to Reiner I cranked up and drove away. Looking into my mirror I see him with this expression on his face that almost, almost breaks my heart. Making it home I go straight into my room, throwing myself onto my bed I cried for a good hour.

After that hour of crying I looked at my phone to see Reiner and Theo has texted me, ignoring them both I go downstairs to get some s'mores ice cream out the fridge. I noticed it also raining hard out, grabbing my ice cream I go into the living room to watch tv. A good 45 minutes go by when I heard someone knocking at the door, looking through the peep hole I see it's him. My heart starts to beat fast and my face heats up, opening the door. Cold dark green eyes meet warm brown eyes, they constantly stare at each other for a few more seconds until I break eye contact to move to the side letting him in. Reiner is soaking wet so I go grabbed a towel for him and continued on back into the living room. He sits on the flood beside my legs, laying his head on my thigh. I just eat on my ice cream and watched tv like it's nothing. No I'm not going to speak to him first.

After some time I hear his husky voice, "I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you love, I never meant to hurt your feelings like that," taking a deep breath before he continued on, "It's just seeing her brings up to many bad memories of the past. As you can see I don't live with my real parents but my stepmom Blake. It's so hard to explain to you how my own mother didn't want me and my damn father didn't give a fuck about me growing up. No matter what I did he always saw something bad in me, then my mother. Just saying those words leave a bitter taste in my mouth." He stops to look at me to see how I'm taking this all in, but his expression is cold and guarded. My eyes starts to water up because I completely understand what's it like to have you father think so lowly of you.

Reiner reached up and wiped a tear that fell from my eyes, he leaned against me and continued on. "Growing up I was always neglected as a child because I was indeed the unwanted one. My mother was shock to find out she was pregnant with me but once I got older I could feel how much she hated me and I never understood why. Till this date I don't know why she marked me with this scar."

Running my fingers through his hair for comfort as he continued on, "Blake isn't really my stepmom but my dad did have a affair with her before I was born and that's where Asher comes into the picture."

"Dragon you don't have to explain anymore to me at the moment, I'll give you time to tell me in the future," I said all this pulling him onto the couch on top of me. Reiner sticks his face against my neck and breaths in my scent before relaxing on my chest. Reiner feels my stomach softly tracing my scars as while before speaking out loud, "Just as you will tell me of your past and these scars."

The first time Reiner felt my scars he throw a fit and started to question me. When I didn't answer he punched the wall and hugged me hard to his chest. That day we became even closer but I fear the day I tell him how I used to feel so damaged. Until then I'm going to continue living my life with him.

Silently agreeing to him as I kissed his forehead.

Vote and Comment, Please.

So can I get some feedback!! What do y'all honestly think? Mhmm so Reiner opened up a lot tonight to Isadora.
Who likes Theo and what about Danny?
Thank you for the love and support.

I love you guys!

Birthday next week and I have no clue of what to do🤦🏾‍♀️

Birthday next week and I have no clue of what to do🤦🏾‍♀️

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