Chapter 43

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"Save you?"

Shureii switched over into healer mode.

"Are you suffering from some illness? Where? Since when?"

Watching her angry eyes switch immediately to ones filled with concern and professional scrutiny, Risteard knew he wasn't wrong. I thought, she really is kind.

Catching her hands in his own, he shook his head.

"It is not an illness or injury of any sort."

"Then what...?"

His eyes wandered to her bandaged bite.

"It has to do with my Vaeer heritage. As I mentioned before, bond bites are a common trait among my kind. You have not seen any so far because your King requested that for your safety, you would not have any contacts with the nobility other than myself and those living in the palace; however many of the couples in the nobility have them. The primary reason for these bites are to mark couples. However, for me, a Pure Blood, there comes a second benefit."

Here his eyes met with hers.

"As a Pure Blood, I have specific abilities. These abilities are not as powerful as our forefathers and can be barely seen. The different presence you felt from before is one of them. However, with these abilities, comes the weakness of control--such as when I had succumbed to my Vaeer counterpart when I bit you. Once I have bonded, my partner can help me better control myself. Without a partner, there is the possibility of my violent Vaeer counterpart totally taking over and causing war to happen again."

"I that's what you meant by saving you..."

Shureii took a moment to process this newly given information before continuing.

"Still...I don't quite understand what part I play in this. I understand that you need someone to bond with, but why does it have to specifically be me?"

"Normally no. Bondmates are not usually specifically chosen and can be with anyone. However for some reason, my Vaeer part reacted strongly to you ever since he saw you and continued to do so. Moreover, even when I am not in my Vaeer mode, I feel a peacefulness I have not been able to feel ever since my parents died. At this point, I cannot imagine having anyone other than you as my bondmate."

"I..." Shureii started to say, but was cut off by a finger on her lips.

"Do not worry." He said with a smile that seemed slightly pained. "As much as I may wish to, I will not force you to stay. I had to keep you confined in this room while I was in my Vaeer mode, but now that it is fully under control again, I will let you do as you wish."

Rising from his seated position, he held out a hand.

"Come. I will escort you to your carriage. I have sent a message to the Velduizens informing them of your arrival at the border."

Though feeling slightly guilty, Shureii took his hand and followed him out of the room.

When they reached the gates, she saw that Yuki was already there with his and her luggage already loaded in the carriage along with a second carriage full of gifts.

The King released her hand and stepped back a little.

"Lady Shureii, thank you for your hard work over the last two months. You have proven yourself to be an exceptional ambassador and healer. I assure you that your good deeds will not go to waste. As promised, you and future healers will have access to the crystals in my kingdom."

Reaching into his robes, he pulled out a small box.

"Inside this box is an amulet that has my insignia etched into it. Use it, for you have gained my trust and gratitude."

Shureii took the box, her guiltiness increasing manifold as she looked at what others would deem to be a cold face, but she had gotten used to enough to distinguish a bit of sadness.

Your Majesty...

Thanking him, she entered the carriage, knowing that she could not do anything other than that.

Had I had known what I know now, I wouldn't have been so harsh on him...

Opening the box, she was surprised that it was not just the amulet that was included inside, but small packages of riterepure crystals--the very crystals that she had come for. With them, she could now create a potion to keep Yuki from automatically turning into a werewolf under the moonlight and thus save him from harm in the future.

He even knew about that? But how? In did he know that Yuki could shapeshift? He had mentioned it before, but I never asked him how he knew...


Snapping out of her thoughts, Shureii turned to look at her yawning son.

"Mama, at the sleepover, Eugene said something sad. He said he called you mother because you "smell" and "feel" like his mama. He said she is no longer here and in the sky."

Blearily turning to look at Shureii, Yuki continued.

"I felt bad and told him I was sorry that I got angry at him the first time. Did I do good?"

"Smell" and "feel" the same as his mother? Could it be connected to what the King was saying about feeling peacefulness?

Drawing him close, Shureii tucked his head under her neck.

"You did well, sweetie."

Better than I did...
The welcome she and Yuki received was a rather grand one, full of festivities and more because a message had been sent earlier to the King about the peace treaty firmly being established.

However, in the midst of all the celebration, Shureii couldn't quite be in the mood as a certain King was on her mind.

I know what I did was necessary...he knew it too and sent me away...but I can't help but feel bad for him...

Looking up at the floating fire embers, she remembered his pained look.

I hope you find a good bondmate soon...

Uwah...I am a Rarity?! (Reincarnation) EditingWhere stories live. Discover now