Chap 7

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A/N: Hey fruit pies! Mommy's been very busy all weekend and I'm finally done with updates for you all.
This chapie has my two favorite things, humor and smut! Lol

Warning: Dangerously hot Brosh.


“Why did I have to be paired with a half!?” Tyler complained as he downed his drink. “I mean do you know how much more work I have to put into training him!?” He slumped in his recliner.

“Well do you love him?” Spencer asked as he sipped his drink. He had brought the angry man to his house to cool off as well as let Josh get some rest. They soon started drinking after they made it inside his den. And to Spencer’s dismay Tyler have done nothing, but gripe about his boyfriend.

“Of course I love Josh.” Tyler rolled his eyes. “I never said I didn't love him. Spencer have you even been listening to me?” He sighed.

“Yes unfortunately.” The Doctor mumbled. “Look if you love him then shouldn't that be worth the hassle?” Spencer countered. He rubbed his temples because Tyler didn't know how annoying he could be. If he wasn't so good in bed then Spencer wouldn't even waste his time with him.

“Don't try to turn this all romantic Spencer. You and I both know how this works the alpha is in charge and the omega obeys. What kinda alpha would I be if I let Josh just run all over me!?” Tyler argued. He stood up and walked around the room. He hated being seen as weak. After being teased about his skinny appearance growing up, Tyler had learned to outsmart his opponents in order to feel superior to the other alphas. The brunette had already spent years trying to find his mate only to find out that he was a half. He felt like he couldn't take much more of his reputation being threatened.

“And don't give me that traditional bull shit. Tyler if you haven't noticed times have changed since our grandparents day.” Spencer huffed. He may be an alpha, but he wasn't as forceful. Well not all the time. Sometimes it was a hard habit to break.

“What's with all the yelling in here Spencer?” Ryan asked as he waddled into the den. He was nearing the end of his pregnancy and he really showed. He was normally a thin brunette with big round brown eyes, a beautiful slender face, and soft voice. All of which hadn't changed except his stomach was swollen, he grew small breast, and his hair draped down his back. These were typical effects of a pregnant omega.

“Aw sweetie don't worry about it. It's just Tyler ranting about Josh.” Spencer got up to kiss his beloved mate. He rubbed his belly and Ryan mewled happily. Tyler just rolled his eyes even though he was secretly jealous of their happy relationship.

“Oh that's your new mate right? Is he nice Tyler?” Ryan inquired cheerfully. Spencer put his head down because he knew that, that was the most wrongest thing he could've asked right now. Why did Ryan always have to know everything?

“Oh I'll tell you how nice he is. I took that ungrateful jerk on all romantic not to mention expensive dates for a whole month straight!” Tyler yelled. Ryan was caught off guard. His outburst was very unexpected. He tried to talk only to be shut down by Tyler. “And if that wasn't enough, I gave him some amazing sex. I'm talking mind blowing! With bondage, rimming, blow jobs….” He went on to vent. Ryan blushed at the subject. He was never one to be so straight forward about his sex life like Tyler and Spencer was.

“Look Ty maybe you shouldn't talk like this in front of-” Spencer tried to intervene, but Tyler was too busy talking to listen.

“And after all that work putting it down in the bedroom during his heat. I finally get him pregnant. And you wanna know what Josh said!?” Tyler yelled. He was now face to face with a surprised Ryan. Spencer frowned because not only did he not want to hear this story again, mainly because he was there when it all happened. But he didn't like how Tyler was so loud around Ryan.

One And OnlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora