Chap 5

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A/N: Hey all! This was supposed to be done yesterday, but between procrastination, work, and exhaustion I couldn't finish writing on time. Not to mention I had errands to do today, hence the late update.
Anyhoo here it is a little smut with a little crazy and topped of with a WTF did I just read?


Josh went back upstairs after he finished the roast chicken. He had picked the poor bird clean. He blushed out of embarrassment. Josh had never put away that much food before. Especially all in one sitting. He stopped as his head started to pound.

“Josh? Joshie where are you?” Tyler’s voice rang in his head. It was like he was next to him, but Josh was still in the hallway. At least four doors away from his bedroom.

“What the hell?” Josh groaned as he held his head. Tyler’s voice became louder the closer he got to the room. The pain from the pounding echo had Josh nearly crawling towards the end of the hall. “T-ty c-could you please stop yelling.” He groaned once he made it in the room.

“JOSHIE!” Tyler squealed and picked him up. He sat him down on the bed. “Where did you go? Why would leave without telling me? I thought you didn't love me anymore.” He bombarded him with questions. Josh groaned some more as his head still hurt too much to answer this many questions at one time. “Josh are you alright?” Tyler asked as he sat next to him.

“No…..argh it's like I could hear you in my head b-but that doesn’t makes any sense….” Josh tried to rub his headache away.

“It makes perfect sense Joshie.” Tyler smiled as he leaned in. “I'll just call my friend, he’s a doctor and he’ll make you feel better.” He told him and kissed Josh’s neck. His hands pulled him on his lap. Tyler continued to kiss Josh’s neck. It seemed to do the trick in calming his headache.

“D-doctor? No I think I'll be alright as long as you take care of me.” Josh moaned and leaned into his soft kisses. Tyler’s hand began to feel around his body. One to his crotch and the other to his stomach. He proceeded to gently rub them both.

“Do you trust me baby?” Tyler whispered in his ear. His hands stopped moving.

“Of course I trust you Ty.” Josh turned his head to face Tyler. His heart started to pound as the heat began to rise. He instinctively spread his legs wider to help ground him against Tyler’s hand. Josh moaned as he put his hand over his and grinded his clothed erection harder against their palms.

“Then you’ll let my doctor friend make sure you’re alright?” Tyler asked as he gripped Josh’s dick roughly through his underwear. His own member growing harder by the second. Josh didn't know how alluring he smelled when his heat rose. “Josh will you do this for me…..for us?” He stared him deep in the eye.

Josh matched his intense gaze. The room seemed to stand still. Air thick in lust. “I’ll do anything for you.” Josh answered effortlessly. “For us.” He smiled as he placed his hand over Tyler’s that was on his stomach. The yellow haired boy didn't understand why, but he felt closer to Tyler. Like their relationship went deeper than love. It was more of a yearn to be together. Josh couldn't explain it, but he would happily give up everything for Tyler. Now Tyler was all that mattered.

“Joshie…” Tyler smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. They made out heavily as their fingers laced tight over Josh’s stomach. Tyler growled in his lover’s ear before he then flipped them over. He was now standing as he bent Josh over the bed. “Who do you love Josh?” He demanded.

“You Tyler.” Josh gasped from the sudden change in positions. He then looked back at the man.

“Good.” Tyler ran his hands slowly down his back. “And who do you need?” His tone becoming deep with lust. Josh shivered and arched into his icy touch.

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